
Some gosh darn updates! Gothmog and the gang showed those men by joining the 1-million-views club today with their smash hit "The Age of Men is over"! Also, I'm currently working on the Grond scene...has anyone noticed this orc boi riding the battering ram??? 😂 I've seen ROTK probably 50 times and just noticed it today.

3 years ago | [YT] | 2,338


They're actually carrying his massive Johnson

3 years ago | 342


I will have to see the trilogy again to see this scene

3 years ago | 122


Orc Boi: “Heave-ho!! Heave-ho!!” The Orcs who were lifting: “Gosh... You're making it heavier... Gosh...” Other Orcs: “Gosh...”

3 years ago | 43


Love these little beautiful scenes... Shows the mastery behind the direction. Every little character has something to do and say

3 years ago | 4  


I like how he gets an arrow right at the door and starts flipping out like a spider fell on him lol

3 years ago | 74  


The orcs sure do know how to have a good time! Haha

3 years ago | 19  


Only true fans recognise Glorfindel in this clip.

3 years ago | 109


YES! my siblings and I have been waiting impatiently for you to do this scene!!

3 years ago (edited) | 2  


''Let's show those men, boys'' is the best line imo.

3 years ago | 6


“Get the gosh darn Wolf’s Head”

3 years ago | 34


Few jobs sound more epic than playing a background orc in one of these movies

3 years ago | 10


He looks like he's having fun and I'm happy for him.

3 years ago | 4


Plot twist: he was acting like a shield/target

3 years ago | 25


This is what I love about the LoTR movies now. I watch the background so hard.

3 years ago | 2  


Gosh! I never noticed and I watch the films at least once a year 😅

3 years ago (edited) | 6


Good job boys. You showed those men.

3 years ago | 2


I've seen it last time I watched LoTR3 but I guess now I have to watch the trilogy again. It's not enough to know all the quotes and conversations if I accidentally missed more things like this

3 years ago | 2


Another fun thing to spot: on Amon Hen, Boromir cuts down the same Uruk with a broken sword in like, three different shots

3 years ago | 5


As they say, "Yea bois"

3 years ago | 18  


Gosh, gosh, gosh, gosh, gosh, gosh, gosh

3 years ago | 15