Edgy Veg

Dear friends we are well aware that a chayote is not a fruit. The slang term is vegetable pear. Please calm your panties 😅😅😅
Receipts below 😘🙃

4 years ago | [YT] | 312


So sad that this is what people get upset about 😂😂

4 years ago | 62


This is no complaint, just an observation: Technically, many things that are, from a Botanical perspective, fruit are indeed used as vegetables; tomatoes and bell peppers being two excellent examples. The chayote is indeed a fruit, in that it is what develops from the ovary of the flower, and contains the seeds. That said, I really don't care what people call something when they're adding it to what they make. If someone says, after eating a marinara, that they have had their vegetables, I don't bother to "correct" them. Unless you are a Biology major of some flavour, feel free to call them whatever you like.

4 years ago | 93


Although I love Candice responses but I would love more if she didn't have to because people weren't being arses about great (free) content 🤷💚

4 years ago | 44


Knowledge is knowing a tomato (Or in this case a chayote) Is a fruit. Wisdom is knowing Not to add it to the fruit salad. Many fruits where part of their name is -berry Aren't berries by their botanical definition too

4 years ago | 20


In the states we say, don’t get your panties in a bunch! 😆

4 years ago | 7


“Vegetavle pear” a mood😂

4 years ago | 2


LOL calm your panties. You are hillarious!!

4 years ago | 6


Chayotes are awesome we eat them a lot here in Mèxico and we prepar different dishes with it. I love it just steam with a little of vegan butter, salt and a little bit of vegan cheese like Parmesan

4 years ago | 4


People are so funny 😂 they really gave you beef, I mean vegetables 😂 about the chayote🥴☹️☺

4 years ago | 5


Luv the calm your panties phrase. I’m going to use that one 😂😂😂🤣

4 years ago | 2


Girl you know people love misery. Keep up the great content!!!

4 years ago | 1


I live in Louisiana and we use them all the time! Smothered down with onions (usually). And, those who are not vegan/vegetarian also cook them with ground beef. But, seriously that’s what crazy folks are getting themselves in an uproar about? People GET A LIFE!!!! Thanks for all the super great content Candice!!! ❤️❤️❤️

4 years ago | 0


I had no idea what a chayote was in the first place. Maybe in the coyote family?

4 years ago | 1


OMG I LOVE them. Especially in soups.

4 years ago | 0


The chayote is absolutely a fruit what you have pictured there is the fruit so I am not understanding what's going on? 🤔

4 years ago | 1


It is a fruit because it grows from the flowers.

4 years ago | 1


the fact that this has to be an announcement - it’s not that serious.

4 years ago | 0


Was this really an issue?

4 years ago | 1


Really Bruno Paquette get a life. If she keeps making delicious, free, vegan recipes for us all to try I won’t care if she did it in her underwear. There are more important things to worry about than how much epidermis is showing 😆

4 years ago (edited) | 4


If it has seeds on the inside it’s a fruit… My 10-year-old taught me that

4 years ago | 1