Ken Ashcorp

Honestly relieved that it's been resolved so quickly. I didn't sleep well last night.
Thank you for all your concern. It's definitely a crazy thing that it was removed in the first place, especially given the reasoning, but thankfully it's back and I don't need to worry so much.

I'm just one person and I don't really have many friends on Youtube or connections so I was legitimately worried I'd lose something I care so deeply about without ever knowing why.

3 years ago | [YT] | 5,658


Youtube resolving an issue quickly and effectively? What planet is this?

3 years ago | 372


My favourite banger you've made I'd been pissed if they took it down.

3 years ago | 224


I'm glad Ken, youtube and my playlist wouldn't be the same without it

3 years ago | 121


I’m glad it’s back. I was legit worried I wouldn’t be able to hear that song again.

3 years ago | 160


yasss! ​😭

3 years ago | 64


Thank God I've been listening to this song since it came out years ago, I've got lots of memories connected and, am glad to have it back. Congrats 😅

3 years ago | 9


Thats a relief. Nothing can kill Absolute Territory. It and its popularity is like a juggernaut. I too am relieved that there still a sweet sweet jam to keep revisiting.

3 years ago (edited) | 10


Excellent news!! Sucks that it happened but great that it was resolved relatively quickly! Gonna go re-listen to it to celebrate! 😁

3 years ago | 19


I'm so glad! I hear your music since 2015 8( On the rocks is still my favorite song of yours. Please take care!!

3 years ago | 1


It saddened me that misfortune fell upon my favorite artist on my birthday. I'm glad it's resolved today

3 years ago | 38


If youtube took that down, it would have removed one of the greatest songs on the platform. Glad its still up, its a masterpiece!

3 years ago | 4


So glad this has been fixed. The Internet just wouldn't be the same without your art, Ken!

3 years ago | 3



3 years ago | 47


This should have never happened in the first place. I'm glad you got it back up, but YouTube really needs to fix their shit so things like this doesn't happen to people for no good reason.

3 years ago | 15


I'm super happy they didn't take it down. I honestly love listening to that song. I have it on a playlist with a bunch of other music I listen to.

3 years ago | 0


This is still one of my favorite songs and I’ve been listening to it since it came out. So glad it’s back up!!!!

3 years ago | 0


I'm glad to see my favourite song is back. Your music is great Ken, always looking forward to the next track and have been since I first heard this song and started loving your tunes.

3 years ago | 0


Seems like an intern at yt headquarters really likes you. Normally months pass before someone looks into these things.. Great to see it back and alive with the views and everything, get yourself some rest now, you deserve it :)

3 years ago | 18


Absolute Territory is my favourite song from you and I'm glad that it's back!

3 years ago | 1


Alright, this was the first song I heard from you that got me into your music. If it got taken down, I'd have been pissed. That said, Ken, I've yet to comment on any of your videos, but everything I've listened to is absolutely amazing in different ways. I respect your ability as a musician to make music from multiple genres and still sound FUCKING AMAZING. Really glad they didn't take this down, because I'd have been pissed. Keep on rockin' hard.

3 years ago | 1