Jess Conte

this is my favourite video!! their reactions were the best! 🥺🥰

3 years ago | [YT] | 363


I’m not gonna lie this new posting schedule with Australian times is soo great. I’m from Tassie and I get to watch your videos right before bed after my daily bible readings. I get to be in the first hundred!!!! Love you Jess. You’re such an inspiration for me.

3 years ago | 2



1 year ago | 1


just need a place to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESS LY XXXXXX

3 years ago | 1


Wow, you are tooo beautiful!! whomever see you should believe that God is surely true and whenever I see you I'm always in a dream and when we wake up, we all will realize that this whole life was nothing but a dream and that only God is whats true and real. I don't know how atheists can believe that such a very attractive beauty queen like you came from monkeys hahaha 😄 There was a teacher who did not believe in the existence of God, he said to his students, do you see God? the students answered no we don't see God, so the teacher said if you don't see God it means there is no God. then a smart student stood up and said to the other students hey guys can you see the teachers brain? then the student answered no we don't see the teachers brain, the student then said the teacher is crazy he has no brain :0) God started everything, and God also repeats things, and it is clear. God is one, one God for all of us, The universe didnt always exist science said it was not always existing, so it was created, they say it was through the big bang, and we say even that was created and initiated by God, & whatever got a beginning meaning whatever was proven to not have existed but then existed must have a creator, on the other hand whatever is proven to exist but was not proven to have had a beginning point by scientific facts and evidence and not logic alone, may have existed forever and thus has no creator, The universe proves the existence of God, but God not proven by scientific facts and evidence-&not logic alone-to have had a beginning point, Thus if God had no beginning point and had always existed it means that he has no creator, again, because the universe had a beginning point it means the universe was created it means there must be a God, The universe proves the existence of God, but God on the other hand not proven to have had a beginning so God had no creator. another thing, the universe shows unity although it shows diversity, meaning there are different things, different creatures and different materials, but they are all made of particles and atoms, that proves the capability and unity of God, that there is only one God not 2 or three!! or three in one!! or one in three!! or in four!!, one capable God. God started &initiated &created everything, and he repeats things too, and that is clear, there are cycles almost for everything in life, water cycle, animal &plants food chain cycle, oxygen and carbon dioxide cycle, reproductive cycle. and so on... Also, this life is temporary, while the next-the hereafter-is forever, either in heaven or in hell fire, Therefore, let us all try to be good and not bad humans in life, and be kind and follow the words of God and the good teachings of his great messenger to mankind, the prophet Mohammed and his supporter imam Ali and his good pious kind descendants whom are an extension of God's messenger and his light. Shine and spread the light sunshin

1 year ago | 0



2 years ago | 0


did braces steal your jawline? mewing will help, beautiful still ❤

1 year ago | 0