Movie Community College

Hi, friends - this is Tish. You have undoubtedly noticed a lack of activity on our channel over the past couple of weeks. Jeremy and I want to inform you that, sadly, we are unable to continue posting videos. On October 30, Jeremy was diagnosed with cancer. We are awaiting the results of his liver biopsy, but we do know that the cancer is in his liver, left lung, and some lymph nodes. The biopsy will tell us if the primary site of the cancer is the liver or the lung. Whether or not it started in the liver or the lung, it spread to the other organ and we are likely looking at a diagnosis of Stage 4 cancer. While this is not news we wanted to hear, we have peace about Jeremy's eternal future because we are born-again Christians. We grieve, this is true. But we know beyond a shadow of a doubt that Jeremy's faith in Christ means he will live eternally with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ when he leaves this earth. Joshua, Carly, and I all share this common faith in Jesus Christ, so we are comforted in this knowledge even as we know the days, weeks, months (if God wills, years) ahead are going to be bittersweet. We are surrounded by the love of our friends from church and we are overwhelmed at the sheer amount of prayers, concern, help, and love which have been poured out upon us. We have thoroughly enjoyed our time getting to know India and we hope you've enjoyed getting to know America through us. It is our sincerest prayer and desire that each of you will surrender your own lives to Jesus Christ in repentance and faith so that you, too, can have the same peace which we have - eternal life in Heaven though this body on Earth dies. We love you all!

3 years ago | [YT] | 1,589