Fenne Lily

Video for the song 'Alapathy' here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=byjZF...

Alapathy - noun - allopathic + apathy
Alapathy is a made up word. If you want to be pedantic you could say all words are, but this one is the only one I’ve created. It was an accident, I thought it existed, as I know that allopathic medicine is definitely real - the treatment of illness by conventional means - yet not altogether effective, in my opinion. Medicine that focuses on treating the symptoms of a sickness without taking into account the causes seem, to me, bizarre, as I’ve personally found that pushing a problem beneath the surface not only gives a false impression of wellness but eventually creates more problems. Anxiety and the cyclical patterns of panicky thinking it precipitates have always been something I struggle with, at times of stress but also (illogically) in moments when I should be feeling grateful and satisfied. When I started writing this second record, I didn’t have a clear idea of what I wanted to write about, only that I needed to start looking inward and focus not only on the people and situations that hurt me but the voices inside myself that seem to be doing the same thing; self-loathing, self-criticism. ’Doing alright never felt so wrong’ is a line that arrived subconsciously and became the first lyric I’d ever written that seemed to be addressed this underlying emotional disconnect. From there I built Alapathy into a reminder to myself that a voice of comfort and reason is something I can be for myself; something I should be for myself. So while alapathy, as a word, is not technically as real as the words I used to assemble it, the feeling it evokes for me very much is. I’m bad at texting back but, to myself, I’ve become a pretty good friend
Photo by Lucy Werrett

4 years ago (edited) | [YT] | 29