
Hey everyone I have been trying to write this for the last hour with little luck To put it simply I am suffering from a deep depression the events of the world the last few months have taken big toll on my mental state. Its hard to get motivated to play a video game when so much else is going on. I have been doing this for a long time now I am so grateful for each and everyone of my viewers I never like disappointing you though I have done it often. I am going to be taking a break not sure for exactly how long. I will try to get some new videos up before too long but I don't even feel like picking up a controller at the moment. Last of Us 2 just came out and I don't even have the will to play it the original is my favorite game of all time. I have never felt this way towards gaming before but I am hoping I am just burned out and depressed.

I also want to say be kind to yourself and others this world is awful a lot of the time but you don't have to be another contributor to that. I also want to wish my LGBTQ+ followers a very happy last week of pride month I am very proud to be pansexual and poly. That felt good to write and I don't care who now doesn't like me because of it. Thank you everyone for being so understanding and amazing I care about you all.

4 years ago | [YT] | 567