
How will the republicans and democrats establish plausible deniability that they really won the election and not the other side. They’ll have to make something up. I’m unclear how blatantly they will try. I believe they are actively looking for it at this point since both sides are less scared of war than they are of another four years with the other side in charge

5 days ago | [YT] | 2,134


Voter ID. Absentee voting only in extreme circumstances, NO early voting, make Election Day a holiday .

5 days ago | 255


These comments don't seem to be answering the question. I'm not sure about this myself. Republicans would likely point to absentee ballots not having matching signatures or being sent to unusual addresses, or bad election security laws. I'm going to be a poll worker in Minnesota, and found out in my training that one homeless shelter worker can vouch for an unlimited number of unregistered homeless voters, and all they have to do is provide their name, birthdate, a description of where they usually sleep in order to vote. Where they say they sleep has to be in the precinct area, but there's no way to verify what is and isn't. As for Democrats, they'll likely blame Russia again, or maybe Iran. I'm sure they'll find people who had their names removed from voter roles or who said they were turned away because they didn't bring an ID. I don't know what else they could do.

5 days ago | 39


Speaking as an Australian,and yes we invented the secret ballot for Normie elections - first, over 18 everyone enrols to vote. Second you turn up at a school or church hall or public gathering place and get your name ruled off from the 'book' by an official electoral person. Then you're handed one or two pieces of paper (eg House of Reps and House of Senate) and you go into one of a line of cubicles of cardboard and mark your papers according to your wish. You can vote by marking each paper, you can scrawl whatever obscenities you like, you can leave them blank if you like. You fold them, walk out, and put them into the ballot box - and your duty is done. On your way out, you can buy a sausage sanga- always cooked by volunteers who work for the local charities, be it Surf-lifesavers, local Bushfire Brigades, Apex Clubs, Lions Clubs etc. Nobody knows and nobody asks which way you voted. You don't 'register' as a voter for this or that team, you just get your name ticked off the electoral roll. You are an adult and you have the right to vote. Or not, if that is your wish.

3 days ago | 1


The most straightforward way that Steve Bannon himself talked about is just actually having people on the ground counting the votes. It’s not an obscenely hard process to penetrate. Every tiny poll station has its employees.

5 days ago | 277


I like how David Graeber mentions that we don't bat an eye about how ATM machines never (rarely) ever make a mistake when counting and delivering our money, but for some reason we don't know how to make vote counting reliable 🤨

5 days ago | 220


Force everyone to go old school in person voting. This way people can’t blame mail in ballots tampered

5 days ago | 184


I don't honestly believe either side will ever accept that the other won. We find ourselves at an impass I'm afraid, and that's when it'll boil over.

5 days ago | 241


Possession is 9/10’s of the law. We aren’t having these conversations in person, and so ultimately big media decides. We have no way of knowing what really happens. Whatever the TV says, goes.

5 days ago (edited) | 23


Democrats would be most likely to point at the popular vote, but they wouldn’t actually be saying “we won,” they’d just be saying “this system doesn’t make sense”

5 days ago | 85


Just use our system (Chile) commiting fraud only can be done by stealing or adding physical ballots, and that's avoided by having ballot numbers registered to each voter in the station's registry ( the number detaches from the ballot before you cast it so your vote remains secret). and it is extremely hard.

5 days ago | 23


The average lifespan of a country is about 158 years. The average lifespan of an empire is about 250 years. It's been a good run.

5 days ago | 63


16 comments, only 3 visible. I'd answer the question, but it would be blocked by YouTube.

5 days ago | 68


Every paper ballot should have a serial number and a tear off section like a raffle ticket with a qr code so each voter can log in to a government website from home the next morning and see that their individual vote counted. This would allow public auditing. Combine that with mandatory voter ID, require all absentee ballots be requested in person, and the party observers are always the last two/three people in the room with uncounted ballots until the end of the counting process and you will have a vote people can believe in.

5 days ago | 12


While aware of my bias, only one of the two has been asking for additional security measures.

5 days ago | 3


I think the bigger concern is how extreme both sides mindsets are. I know very successful and intelligent people on both sides that are actually ready to leave the country as they believe this will result in the downfall of our nation. I unfortunately feel this is a self fulfilling prophecy as almost no one believes anything good can come from this

5 days ago (edited) | 8


My money is on no election. I'm thinking false flag attack and declaring martial law with out a president. I wonder what kind of betting odds I'd get

5 days ago | 21


The best way to claim it would be to make it as clean as possible in a viable manner. For instance; making election day a national holiday (allowing equal opportunity to vote), have it done in person accept for disabilities (reducing the ability for fraud deliberate or accidental), and extending polling booth hours (allowing the few who have to work to still vote). Voter ID would also be good idea to aid in the legetimancy of each vote however it's been faulsly made a race and class issue so likely wouldn't go over well.

4 days ago | 1


Who they want WILL be installed. Idk why everyone is fooling themselves lmao

5 days ago | 8


At this point our current problems do not have ballot box solutions.

5 days ago | 33


If kamala gets elected I'd advise all men either get out of dodge or go on the run they will draft us for war in an instance

5 days ago | 32