Paramount Pictures

Watch the new Official Trailer for #GladiatorII. Only in theatres November 22.

Watch here:

2 months ago | [YT] | 3,472


Watch the trailer here:

2 months ago | 33


Crowd chants, 'they not like us, they not like us'.

2 months ago | 110


I can't wait for Kanye to rap in the middle of half time on the Colosseum scenes.

2 months ago | 355


Boys get ready cuz sonic 3 is (HOPEFULLY) Paramount's next movie trailer

2 months ago (edited) | 227


We get the point now. But where is that trailer for Sonic The Hedgehog 3 when we need it?!?!?!?!

2 months ago | 35


There will be Braveheart 2 and Count of Monte Cristo 2

2 months ago | 61


Awesome! I love when a sequel comes out like 25 years later because Hollywood has completely run out of ideas. Very cool!

2 months ago | 106


When they say only in theaters followed by a date, it always makes me think that it’ll only be in theaters on that day 💀

2 months ago | 47


Hopefully we'll get the Sonic 3 trailer soon. Please Paramount I'm begging you 😭

2 months ago | 80


Instead of Hanz Zimmer, we get Jay Z 🤔

2 months ago | 32


Who wants a soinc 3 movie who with me

2 months ago | 36


The 2nd trailer for Gladiator II better not have rap music.

2 months ago | 44


SONIC 3 TRAILER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2 months ago | 37


#sonic3 trailer #sonic3 trailer #sonic3 trailer #SONIC 3 TRAILER!!

1 month ago | 22


After watching the trailer, there’s a pretty high chance I won’t be watching this in the theatre

2 months ago | 24


Sonic Movie 3 trailer is Paramount's last trailer😫😫😫

2 months ago | 26


#SAVESM3INBRAZIL Hey Paramount.. How many spoilers will there be for Brazilians for Sonic 3?🔫☺

1 month ago | 12


We releasing the Sonic movie 3 trailer on January with this one 🗣️🗣️🔥

1 month ago | 16


WE WANT THE SONİC 3 TRAİLER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ( PLEASE PARAMOUNT PİCTURES !!!!!!!! ) 😢😢🖤🖤

2 months ago | 25


July is almost over and a certain fandom is already losing hope 💀

1 month ago | 18