
I’ve now been making music for 9 years. Last night was the FIRST TIME EVER both my parents have seen me perform. To top it off it was in the city I grew up in. OTTAWA, CANADA at Bluesfest. Truly one of the most memorable nights of my life. Both my parents came from Nigeria and sacrificed a lot and to hear them say they were proud of me and that I was doing an amazing job representing our family meant to world to me. God is good. Thank you all!

2 months ago | [YT] | 17,424


God is good!

2 months ago | 213  


I’m 72 years old and my daughter turned me on to you and your incredible music. I have been sharing your songs with everyone I know. I am now ready to send your music to random people online that I don’t even know. I LOVE your words and your heart!

2 months ago | 112


I am 62 years young . Your talent consumes me. Thank you and your lovely parents for bringing you into this world ❣️

2 months ago | 74  


My Dear Friend, that is beautiful your parents were there. I am so happy for you. You are an amazing person, artist and songwriter. Thank you for the wonderful heart felt song. So many hit home for me. Big Hugs 🤗❤️🤗

2 months ago (edited) | 33


Dax that's Soo awesome I'm so happy for you and your family.. I'm 50 years old and I have never been moved by music like your music. It's truly awesome 😎

2 months ago | 17


I was at bluesfest, It was my first concert ever. I'm 42 and your music is such a blessing 🙏🏼 Dax you put on an amazing show! Good bless you and your beautiful family

2 months ago | 15


You're from my home town, too! God is truly good and He made you good, Dax! You make me go through all my feels ❤️ Keep going!

2 months ago (edited) | 18  


They did a great job! Keep sending the Truth out into the world. 🌎

2 months ago | 6


I'm so happy for you bro. That must have been such an amazing moment for all 3 of you

2 months ago | 4  


I just found this song. I am 1 month and 11 days short from 13 years sobriety. Today I had the strongest craving I’ve fought in years. This song grabbed me, spoke to me and got me to walk through my feels until I came out on the other side. Thank you ♥️🔥♥

2 months ago | 2


God bless your parents for bringing such an amazing person like you into the world dax and you are truly a blessing to us and keep coming with these amazing and helpful songs because back in 2020 I came across your music and I was in a very dark place in my life and your music got me through my dark times and I just want to thank you dax

2 months ago | 5  


Been turned onto your music for years. You have perspective and give hope without sugar coating. You and your family are beautiful 🙏✨️

1 month ago | 1


I love you brother, keep your lyrics straight and high, you're doing great here in Uganda, consider paying a visit we love your music, we love you. God bless you 🙏🇺🇬🇺🇬

1 month ago | 3


So happy for you and your family ! You all came along way and are setting examples for future generations!! 🙏 ❤

2 months ago | 5  


They must be so proud. You’re a great influence to my son and we LOVED your performance in North Carolina.

2 months ago | 2


Family is everything. Keep being amazing DAX! Thank you for your hard work and dedication and inspiring me through your music throughout the years 👊🏾

2 months ago | 4  


I seen your videos on YouTube and they are such a blessing. I am a mother of three sons and I pray for them daily to be the best men that God has blessed them to be. I would love to hear a song about mothers cause we are so under appreciated. I cried listening to the song for men it was so true and blessed. You are a blessing that is shining, keep shining 🙏

1 month ago | 1


🥺❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣🤗You are a legend 💯we the Dax fam are so proud of yo

2 months ago | 11  


Proud parents! you can see the pride in the smiles. To take chances :)

2 months ago | 4  


Proud parents indeed! They have raised a wonderful young man, gifted by God! Your music and lyrics come from your soul and true testimony of how good our God is!!!!Gods best to you and yours always🙏🏻🙏

2 months ago | 2