WBFF FOX45 Baltimore

Should people who cross the US border illegally be deported?

6 months ago | [YT] | 3,380


Absolutely. No citizenship through legal channels, automatic deportation.

6 months ago | 22


I also believe they should have proper papers all legal to get in for asylum. I need a passport to get in to other countries...

6 months ago | 143


This open boarder BS is a slap in the face to the immigrants who followed due process to become a UNITED STATES CITIZEN the right way.

6 months ago | 199


This shouldn't even be a question. Leaving the borders wide open is, at the very least, criminal dereliction of duty.

6 months ago | 77


If I as a US citizen illegally crossed into Canada, I'm sure I'd face repercussions.

6 months ago | 53


Not only that, the total costs of all the states and feds should be deducted proportionately from the foreign aid they get from the US. Every single stupid country sending them.

6 months ago (edited) | 159


The 5% that says no,,,,,should be deported as well!!

6 months ago | 56


If it were the other way around and you just showed up in Caracas looking for government handouts they’d lock you up..

6 months ago | 49


Absolutely it is breaking and entering deport with a ban of 10 years before reapplying legally

6 months ago | 14


I have a very good mind, though I will regret it if I do so, to not file my taxes. My tax money is not being spent in any shape or form to benefit we the people. Due to the govt causing inflation, I see as my right not to pay taxes, since it will go back to allowing more illegals in, support them, finance them, allow them jobs, allow them rights they do deserve as they are illegal. All the while neglecting US citizens, funding 3 proxy wars, and making us all suffer for it. Then we get to pay more for basic needs, food, shelter and the like. The IRS can look for my filing under the name Ligma...

6 months ago | 6


With a lifetime ban on re-entry and criminal charges if attempted.

6 months ago | 6


Yes. If not, then I demand the United States Government to reimburse me and my wife the $10,000 that we paid to get her permanent resident status.

6 months ago (edited) | 29


Would you let any stranger enter your residence uninvited? Would anyone leave doors open at all times day and night letting anyone in and out freely? Would anyone breakdown fences around their property so others can trespass on your property. Whoever does the above needs mental health checked out.

6 months ago | 42


ABSOLUTELY!!!..They're trespassing!

6 months ago | 5


Yes and they should be forced to walk back like they came; not be boarded onto airplanes or given hotel stays wasting taxpayers money.

6 months ago (edited) | 8


Abbott needs to stop shipping them north. It’s funny until you realize they’re still in the U.S. and we’re footing the bill! The governments three card Monte game is getting old.

6 months ago (edited) | 7



6 months ago | 23


Congress needs to pass a bill and be fair to all !! Let other countries know that if proper steps are not followed people cannot get in. And you should be 5th generation before you become a legal citizen who can vote in or run for Federal positions !! America is multi culture and always will be !!

6 months ago | 4


What a horribly misleading question. The question should be…”Should those ILLEGALLY CROSSING THE BORDER BE LEGALLY DEPORTED?” And the answer is yes, yes they should.

6 months ago (edited) | 2


Maybe they should get supported by the person in the presidential office right now. You want to let them in, you pay for their food and housing, health and welfare.

6 months ago | 3