Which character from #TheLWord makes you laugh the most?

1 week ago | [YT] | 112


I love Alice so much! 🩷 The scene when she finds out Shane and Jenny slept together kills me everytime

1 week ago | 7


Alice not winning this is dtrange

1 week ago | 13


Who vote shane y'all blind alice is queen comedy

5 days ago | 4


Definitely SHANE SHE WAS HILARIOUS 🤣😆🤣😆🤣😆🤣😆🤣😆🤣

1 week ago | 1



1 day ago | 2


We all know Alice is the funniest. The people who voted for Shane are just biased

1 day ago | 0


I vote Shane 🙂🙂

1 week ago | 0



6 days ago | 0