Android Authority

Are you happy with the state of YouTube in 2024?

5 months ago | [YT] | 136


At this point the original video is interrupting the ads.

5 months ago | 80


Too much censorship which is annoying.

5 months ago | 16


What I hate the most is when you search something, they put those "other people searched for this" or "you may like this" results that are totally different with what you are searching for.

5 months ago | 26


Shorts need to have a separate section, dislike count should comeback...Shorts in the recommendation section is one of the most irritating things about YouTube

5 months ago | 19


I want a simple setting to turn off Shorts... I don't want to find it when searching, and I don't want it when browsing through my subscriptions..

5 months ago | 13


100% of the videos I watch start with an ad, and when I skip an ad, it just skips to the next ad instead of playing the video

5 months ago | 12


I'm not happy with shorts being suggested more for search results. Most of the time it wont be even related to what I was searching for.

5 months ago | 8


You mean where they just silently drop people's comments but spam still goes through on a large scale?

5 months ago | 19


I wish shorts could be switched off plus find if you do a search you might see a couple of videos then completely get interrupted by a different subject

5 months ago | 4


The multiple adds are out of control, and to be honest I will go out of my way to NOT purchase things from companies that spam me with adds

5 months ago | 8


You need to follow the Constitution and allow free speech.all speech

5 months ago | 3


With YouTube revanced, and adblockers on browser...yes

5 months ago | 51


I want to disable shorts they're a little bit annoying

5 months ago | 21


Has gone full corporate on YouTube. Everything is a YouTube video just make money. YouTube was a place of creativity videos that you just so happen to get paid for. Now it's "what title or most outrageous thing I can do to get as many eyeballs on me".

5 months ago | 9


Price increase for Premium and creators being neutered from original content… Yeah I miss old YouTube…

5 months ago | 6


It's a sickening amount of "claim your $6400 stimulus" scam ads and no one cares to stop them.

5 months ago | 1


with all the bot comments all over YT shorts is disgusting/ annoying

5 months ago | 4


Need to disable shorts!

5 months ago | 8


The app is buggy af, slow, strange design decisions and heats up the phone like crazy sometimes. They should bring back the YouTube App from 2017.

5 months ago | 2


Far too many ads. Can't see the reason why you can't go live on mobile without having enough subscribers. If you can't post you won't get subscribers.

5 months ago | 1