Randumb Fitness

Saturated Fats?

1 week ago | [YT] | 155


I think for most people its fear mongered. Come have a chat with me here and let me help you with your nutrition man! www.randumb-fitness.com/onlybars

1 week ago | 4  


jeff nippard buzz cut image goes unequivocally hard for no reason

1 week ago | 84


Everything's good in moderation, saturated fats aren't an exception. Your body does need them, but too much is definitely not good.

1 week ago (edited) | 24


Hajime No Ippo being mentioned forced me to vote.

1 week ago | 7


Thug Jeff🤣

1 week ago | 2


Unless you have some preexisting condition, I don’t see the benefit of demonizing certain foods or nutrients. They all play a specific role to our overall health and happiness, so just keep the things that are potentially more harmful to a minimum and you’ll be fine

1 week ago | 10


Oversimplified, rather. There's a direct causation link between high levels of saturated fat consumption and heart problems. And for the average north American, our diet is heavily leaning towards foods with saturated fats. But people simplified this by just saying Saturated fats = bad which is not true. It depends.

1 week ago | 3


I will have butter, coco or avocado over refined vegetal oil any day. But I would take fish oil chia or flaxseed over any other fat.

1 week ago | 0


Fear mongered because of people who can not control themselves in what they eat.

1 week ago | 0


If you have a functioning liver/gallbladder saturated fats are fine in moderation. Unfortunately for I since don’t, it’s like poison

1 week ago | 1


Vegans and their agenda

1 week ago | 0


Why is fit shady here ?

1 week ago | 0


Both horrible and fear mongered. Very thin line there.

1 week ago | 2


All fats can be good, but limit them. Mono and unsaturated are the best, but it's ok to eat trans and saturated fats too.

1 week ago | 0