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Here are the top 3 Favorite songs from "Dusk to Dawn"

Yusuke Nagai
1.秋の手紙 Autumn Letter
2.部屋にひとり Alone in My Room
3.未だ見ぬ夜明け Dawn

Kaori Sakakibara
1.秋の手紙 Autumn Letter
2.夜の霧雨 Night Drizzle
3.古いノート Old Notebook

Taiyo Someya
1.秋の手紙 Autumn Letter
2.部屋にひとり Alone in My Room
3.未だ見ぬ夜明け Dawn

*We didn't discuss about it at all:)

What are your top 3 favorite songs from this album?

6 months ago | [YT] | 1,177