Amy Landino

If this year is to be different, ask yourself one simple question:

Who do I want to become?

Without this clarity:
- the resolutions resolve nothing
- the goals are just dust-collecting tasks
- and your mind is an indecisive, limiting playback of the old hits that have kept you where you are today

Know who you're becoming and when presented with life's choices, do anything you can to inch that person closer to where you are now.

8 months ago | [YT] | 309


Thank you Amy! A lovely year for you

8 months ago | 0


Happy new year! Congratulations! Many blessings to you this year. So thankful for you.

8 months ago | 0


Yes! Power comes from clarity

8 months ago | 0


Happy New Year Amy and all following 🥳🥳🥳

8 months ago | 0


Happy New Year Amy and family. I pray for you and your family that 2024 is filled with lots of happiness good health and peace too. Hugs and love! Sue M. Florida ❤️🙏🎊🥳

8 months ago | 0


I am working on planning my "Best Year Ever". I have told people that my husband was president and we lived in the White House. He was president of the School Board and our house is white, so. . . Anyway, then I took a look at my house and realized how bad it looked. My #1 area of focus is health to lose 80 pounds so I can get rid of my colostomy bag. Doing yard work and other de-cluttering can help to stay away from food and lose a few pounds. I also want to leave the legacy of our family's recipes and stories about all the people who passed through our lives. I need to work on my husband's legacy of the history of his high school; we have a website that is sorely in need to be updated. And finally, I want to gather, from various bibles, a list of Bible stories for all my little friends at church, so their parents can read to them. Yes, it's a lot of work and I doubt I will finish everything in the next year, but I'm going to give it a try. My daughter and I (about 15 years ago) scanned all the pages of 80 yearbooks and posted them on the website. We did this in a summer, except for 80 pages we didn't finish and I had to do that when she went back to school. So, I know if you work on a BIG PROJECT, you can get it done if you try.

8 months ago | 0


Happy New Year Amy🎊🎊🎊. So thankful for you!!

8 months ago | 0


Happy New Year to the best YouTuber on the planet!:)

8 months ago | 1


Happy New Year Amy!

8 months ago | 0


Thanl you for the inspiration!

8 months ago | 0