Doctor Hoeflinger

My newsletter on brain tumors is going out today. Make sure you are signed up for my free newsletter to get it!

2 months ago | [YT] | 171


It read it and it is so informative going through the different tumors. It is good for us to know these this situations people experience when friends or family are confronted with a brain tumor diagnoses. Which actually happened to a daughter of a friend of ours in late October last year.

2 months ago | 0


I subscribed! Thank you for educating us.

2 months ago | 1


Does this include GBM?

2 months ago | 3


Dr. Hoeflinger, this is not about brain tumors. My sister had surgery due to Chiari malformation about ten years ago. I took care of her for a week after her surgery. Recently she states she can't drive her car longer than 30 miles because she gets so dizzy, but she can be a be a passenger. She blames everything on her Chiari. I realize you're not her doctor, but I think she's spoiled, controlling, and says this because she doesn't want to drive the seven hours to help me with our 91 years of age mom. She and her husband just drove 14 hours to Virginia for a vacation. Seems very selective to me. Is this normal ten years after having the surgery? I remember the surgeon telling her she should live a normal life now and that most people don't even know they have a malformation, they live with the occasional headaches and being dizzy, etc. I'm not making light of this, but it's frustrating how selective her symptoms are. She's also very overweight and blames that on a gigantic cyst in her stomach!??? She's had her ankle reconstructed and still can't walk on it without pain. She keeps going to doctors until she finds one, most out of state from where she lives, that will do the surgery. I told her she needs therapy, not surgery. Am I nuts? I'm already in therapy, the only one in my family.

2 months ago | 0


I subscribed but did not get the email confirmation. It did not go to my spam or trash. Odd

2 months ago | 0