
I'm watching a Pravda assassination attempt on ABC...
Kamala clearly had the questions in advance...
she was also clearly intimidated throughout although not one of her false claims were fact checked by the other players in her court.

We the sheeple finance genocide in Ukraine and Palestine, we want it to be lawful to negate innocent life, only someone of Kamala's intelligence level could deliver this earnest of a performance.

I thought she might burst into tears over the J6, and boom she slides back to 2017 and Charlatan'sVille on George Soros' B-day... what ELSE HAPPENED in rapid succession following, in our Schools, Colleges, and even Viva False Vegas... sounded off the biggest dog whistle... running the same plays indeed and projecting and gaslighting, baiting and weaving... quite the triangulated crossfire... he had his moments but couldn't win.

She's championing Ukraine the Honorable Victoria Nuland's baby Zelenskyy, and she spouts of Oct 7 attack like Obama (her oVERLORd) didn't fund that with plane loads of cash to Iran to facilitate the release of "prisoners" and then gave another 1.3 billion after exchange jus cause...

What about Biden freeing up 6 billion to Iran just three years before this orchestration?
20 yr war on terror has reduced them to glider buggies? Why was the IDF response stood off for HOURS? No matter both are bucking it out to be a tool for the HR6090 powers that 89 members of our government have dual citizenship with.

I thought MalloMars would choke worse than Jho, but i give her credit... for being fulla ish.

Trump is right... 175 injured during your parties staged insurrection? How many perished during the summer of Love, let me answer... over 200 (most of their faces are in a tribute i made in 20/20 called the house we live in.

How about the green beret still being held on a J6 MISDEMEANOR without trial, constantly abused like a gitmo detainee?

Regardless how you perceive this... i can't be responsible for empowering a Marxist POS so i'm gonna have to not abstain on participating in this crucial election. Let us worry about what comes after, at least with the Narcissists administration he will abide the voice of the people if not only for adulation.

Smith Mundt Modernization act in full effect... still the biggest threat to this republic is mis-dis-mal and the military industrial complex... i couldn't agree more darpa

1 week ago | [YT] | 2