
My first show in 3 years is happening! Next Saturday in Glasgow, KY, I’ll be performing at Yancey’s Gastropub & Brewery for a FREE SHOW. Literally just show up and walk in! This is a hometown show supporting local businesses, and I’m hyped as can be to be performing my longest set ever. Hope to see you all there! Showtime around 9 P.M. CST!

6 months ago | [YT] | 641


I can vouch, I was at the last show 3 yrs ago & it was awesome had a blast, listening to the show, chatting with both his parents & him, he & his mom gave me 2 of his older cds free when I bought one. They are great people & he puts on a helluva show. Wish I could make this one but can't gotta work. But good luck on a great show bud

6 months ago (edited) | 2


I saw Glasgow and thought UK, devastated as I was preparing myself to make a 7 hour drive to see you. Good luck brother

6 months ago | 23


Damn I wish it was NY, I’d love to see you live in concert! Edit: just realized it’s on my birthday too, dammit. That would’ve been PERFECT!

6 months ago (edited) | 1


Nowhere near me, that's awesome though

6 months ago | 4


Been watching forever. Not sure how I ever missed you are from Barren county. I’m from Bullitt county. Might slide by. 💪

6 months ago | 1


BGKY native here. Gonna miss the show myself but working on getting my fam up there to support you!

6 months ago (edited) | 0


I'm only 30 minutes away in BG I'll definitely be there.

6 months ago | 1


Man If you ever do a show in VA I need to be there

6 months ago | 1


So happy for you. Nothing like performing to a live audience.

6 months ago | 0


Good for u bro you’re the most down to earth rapper

6 months ago | 0


Seen Glasgow n was like I'll go but then realised its in America😂

6 months ago | 1


Good luck, brother do you ever come anywhere near Jersey or Philly? Let me know.

6 months ago | 1


Coming from KY myself I’m hoping to make it my man!

6 months ago | 1


Let's go that's near me KY for life

6 months ago | 1


Hey crypt! I would love for you to do a show in North Carolina sometime. Good luck on your show

6 months ago | 0


Letss gooooo man. I live 5 minutes from there, good place to pick besides the plaza. Man I love my hometown😃

6 months ago | 0


That's only like an hour away from me that's fucking awesome

6 months ago | 1


If you ever end up coming to Ontario Canada I'm there Crypt. KY is a little out of the way for me. Stay blessed 👊🏼. Hard work pays off, even diamonds shine under pressu

6 months ago | 0


Yeah boiiii

6 months ago | 0


Dude I'd love to come to a show but unfortunately I won't have the funds to go

6 months ago | 0