Mihailo Tolotos lived a full life up to the age of 82 and never laid his eyes on a single woman 😲

Tolotos was said to have been born in 1856 and sadly never got to meet his mother, who died shortly after birth.

The young boy became an orphan and was raised by Orthodox Monks at a monastery on Mount Athos in Greece, living under strict rules which have been in place for hundreds of years.

One rule was that no women were ever allowed at the monastery - and as he never left, he never met anyone of the opposite gender before his death.

The monks who remained at Mount Athos after he passed believed he was the only man in the world to have died without knowing what a woman looked like.

His death was recognised in a newspaper article which noted that women weren't the only sight Tolotos had been deprived of throughout his life.

"Neither had he beheld an automobile, a movie or an airplane," the article reads.


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