TP Burrow

Seven Thursdays to go! Subscribe so you can claim your 1st class cabin aboard the hype train, the first 100 subs get a free Crocodile infested moat and a complimentary Parrot with each luxury suite.

1 month ago | [YT] | 146


"They may take our lives but they will never take OUR ALE"

1 month ago | 8  


I hear Travis Wallace is seven feet tall kills men by the hundreds with fireballs from his eyes and bolts of lighting from his arse.

1 month ago | 5


Marisha looks like one of the vampires from "30 Days of Night"

1 month ago | 0


Holy crud Travis looks so natural there I thought he was really in that movie for a second. Robbie however looks high AF I mean like he just figured out every plotline in exandrian history of that one huge rip.

1 month ago (edited) | 0


Sam Riegel would fit Stephen the Irishman to a T.

1 month ago | 1


I’m so confused what’s happening in 7 Thursdays

1 month ago | 1


I was looking at that first pic like "wow he looks so familiar..." as if I haven't seen his face for hundreds of hours 🫣

1 month ago | 1