New Money

Hey guys, I’ve been posting heaps over Instagram lately, so if you’re keen to come hang out over there for more daily content, please check out the link below. It would mean the world if you dropped me a follow. Thanks everyone! 🙂…

Where do you guys mostly consume short form content?

2 months ago | [YT] | 81


I don't do Socials much anymore.. YouTube or bust for sure..

2 months ago | 49


I, too, avoid most social media except for keeping contact with old friends in DMs. Also since I have ADHD I just stay the fuck away from short form content be it reels, stories, shorts or, especially, Tiktok. However I still drop a follow because in my eyes you've built yourself up to be a trustworthy source and its the least my broke ass can do to give something back

2 months ago | 8


We're older millennials with a bit of "new money", looking for some good advice to park it and build wealth. We can't stand the toks or the snaps or the grams. We have enough attention spans left over for a 15 min YouTube video (set at 1.5x speed) to listen while we do dishes or cook. So YouTube, or bust. Cheers!

2 months ago | 14


Don’t do social media, I feel no desire to share private data my experiences/knowledge to benefit corp profits.

2 months ago | 9


I liked when you did nothing but Youtube and one couldnt even find links to your socials. That was a nice vibe which made your brand stand out even more.

2 months ago | 3


IG is algorithms to the lowest common denominator. I don't use it much, so it defaults me to showing glamourised ie photoshopped women who I am not interested in. I went and clicked like on a 100 dog videos so it shows me at least some dog/cat videos interspersed with photoshopped women.

2 months ago | 5


Yeah, social media sucks balls. YouTube or bust

2 months ago | 1


Kind of a redundant poll since mostly people watch shorts on only one platform and if its being asked on youtube, youtube will be the answer

2 months ago | 0


Social apps are absolute garbag, I spend no time there

2 months ago | 0


I’m old. YouTube or X. Can’t manage too many socials

2 months ago | 0


I only have YouTube

2 months ago | 4


No socials, only wattsapp and YouTube

2 months ago | 1


Get wrekt while diworsifying.

2 months ago | 2


LinkedIn or YouTube

2 months ago | 1


Not really into being led around like an animal. If it’s on youtube i’ll watch it

2 months ago | 0


Don’t use any of those mate, even YT pisses me off

2 months ago | 0


I didn’t know you were on Instagram 🤷🏽‍

2 months ago | 0


I hope you remember me baby. Oneth.

2 months ago | 1


Socials suck

2 months ago | 0


YouTube or X and I only follow professionals and scientists on X

2 months ago | 0