Chris GQ Perry

Important things to remember when you are married or in a serious relationship…

- Don't ever assume your partner feels loved.
- Date nights are essential, whether you go out or stay in.
- Talking openly about what you want to change in your relationship is crucial.
- Learn each other's love language, we all perceive love differently.
- It's okay to go to bed without a resolution sometimes, sleeping on it can help.
- When you get into a fight, don’t just say “I’m sorry.” Explain what you're sorry for and how you'll react differently next time.
- It will get boring sometimes, every couple goes through a “boring” stage, which is normal and will fade.
- This is the time in your relationship when you'll need to put in the most effort.
- Some days you will have to pull more weight than your partner, and vice versa.
- Checking in on each other’s mental health is important.
- It’s okay to go to couples counseling. It helps and doesn’t mean your relationship is ending or failing.
- Talk about money and your financial goals. Let your partner know what you expect from them, and vice versa.
- Turn off the phones an hour before bedtime and just talk to each other. Ask questions like, “What do you need to see more of from me?” and “How can we understand each other better?”
- And most importantly, be kind to each other. Love each other. Fight for each other. Remember, love is never easy, and it’s one hell of a ride. But it is incredibly beautiful and worth it. 🖤

5 months ago | [YT] | 3,362