Dan And Shay

GRAND RAPIDS, MI: SOLD OUT. Since the beginning of our career, Michigan has ALWAYS showed up for us. From selling out The Intersection (remember when we crowd surfed?), to another sold out show at Van Andel arena, y’all have given us tour highlights we’ll never forget. Even though the weather was cold + rainy during the day, we still made sure to get out and explore one of our favorite cities. Cool coffee shops, restaurants, music venues; it reminds me a whole lot of my hometown, Pittsburgh. When it came time to hit the stage, we knew the energy was going to be electric. Kicking it off with the biggest Save Me The Trouble sing-along yet, we took a journey through each of our albums that left us even more fired up to come back to Michigan this summer. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for an amazing night. We sure felt the love. 🖤

6 months ago | [YT] | 535