*적재의 카플리스트2 재업로드 안내

9월 12일(목) 19:00 공개된
[적재의 카플리스트2 - 터치드편]이 편집상의 이유로 재업로드 후 공개로 변경되었음을 알려드립니다.

기다려주신 팬분들께 양해를 구하며, 빠른 시간 안에 업로드될 수 있도록 노력하겠습니다.😢

*Jukjae's Carplist2 Re-upload

It was scheduled to be released at 19:00 on September 12th (Thursday)
I would like to inform you that [Jukjae's Carplist2 - TOUCHED Episode] has been changed to public after re-uploading for editing reasons.

I ask for your understanding to the fans who waited, and I will try to upload it as soon as possible.😢

1 week ago (edited) | [YT] | 84