
Hi guys! Nickmah here. Well... I gonna try to make this channel going.
The truth is I uploaded some capoeira videos from my private collection to this channel some 15 years ago. Just because I wanted to share them. There were people around me who desperately needed this material. Some of them wanted to learn capoeira by themselves. Some were novices like me. I trained in CDO at the time. And I just had these videos.
And then... I forgot about this channel. When I found it 10 years later, it was doing pretty well all by itself. There were hundreds of thousands of views there. I was amazed at how many views it attracted and continues to attract. So I finally decided to upload the rest of my capoeira videos. I don't know if it works. But... every view counts, lol. Thank you all!!!

Meanwhile, I'm open to collaboration. If you have capoeira videos that you want to be seen by more than a bunch of your friends and relatives, just let me know!

2 weeks ago (edited) | [YT] | 2