Dan And Shay

COLUMBUS, OH: SOLD OUT. The loudest crowd yet. Maybe it was the O-H-I-O that got your voices warmed up, but wow, this one was next level. Being at the Nationwide Arena brought back some bittersweet memories; it was the last show we played before the world shut down in 2020. But just like that night, we walked off stage feeling the highest of highs and that’s all thanks to the devoted and loyal Ohio country music fans who have been riding with us since the beginning. We still remember y’all waiting outside Newport Music Hall in the freezing cold all day to get front row for our Where It All Began Tour in 2014, and seeing so many of the same faces at our shows today is just the coolest thing we could ever ask for. PS - Big shout out to our friend, the sun, for showing up around dinner time. Got us FIRED UP and in our feels for a big Friday night. We’ll be back to Ohio a few times this summer and can’t wait to do it all over again. 🖤

6 months ago | [YT] | 572