Adriel Felise

Bonjour! I hope you're all having a great day. I wanted to give a few updates/information for you.

First: welcome to all new followers. Let's dance!

Second: there will only be one video this week and next week as it's Juju's birthday and we've decided to do something big for him. Or maybe he decided he wanted something big. Either way, it's last minute and I don't want to rush any videos out so I'll just focus on getting out one good video this week and next week.

Along that lines, I'm hoping to have my Spain video out today, however, it may slip to my Wednesday (probably still most of your Tuesday) as I had no idea how much that trip would wear me out.

Third: Summer basically starts in Paris in May. There is a holiday nearly every single week the month of May in France - for example, last weekend was a 5 (yes FIVE) day weekend! As such, I'm going to reduce the posting schedule to once a week plus a couple Paris weekly's (in lieu of the current 2 per week) starting the month of June. There will be a slight blitz the last week of May of videos I wanted to make sure were out for anyone coming this summer.

Fourth: I'll be doing a live at the end of the month so stay tuned for that.

Fifth: Yes, the video of me interviewing Juju will be coming. He loves to be a star.

4 months ago | [YT] | 32