Marques Brownlee

Greatest day of my life?! My collab with Elmo and the ‪@SesameStreet‬ crew is up 🥺

1 year ago | [YT] | 74,184


Definitely one of the top 3 unexpected collabs.

1 year ago | 5,000


Bro this is insane. Went from a small goofy kid making tech videos to being a guest on Elmo. I’m glad to have been along for the Journey that is your success

1 year ago | 178


Kind of insane to see a tech youtuber with my childhood heroes

1 year ago | 2,400


You're welcome back any day Marques!

1 year ago | 192


A professional frisbee player, worlds best tech reviewer and now kids entertainer.

1 year ago | 828


Marques looks like he’s having so much fun, at times he even looks like he’s holding in a huge smile or laughter. Makes me feel so happy for this dude he deserves it all

1 year ago | 41


This dude is just winning in life. Keep up the awesome work Marques!

1 year ago | 974


Such a wholesome collab that we didn't know we wanted but definitely needed. Also the fact that Tango has the same spotting as Mac 😭

1 year ago | 8


Dude, I really admire you. You started modest but persistent all those years ago and now you are doing these amazing and fun collaborations. Keep it up, bro!

1 year ago | 276


My brother! You are the Golden Standard for what can be done with hardwork, dedication, focus, and follow through. Hot damn. I'm almost 40 and I wanna be like you when I grow up!

1 year ago | 7


Genuinely one of the best MKBHD collabs ever

1 year ago | 85


I've been a fan of this young man since the first video. He continues to evolve and build his brand. As a 53 year old man that loves tech I will continue to follow MKBHD. Rock on brother!

1 year ago (edited) | 11


Not the collab we expected, but the collab we needed 😊

1 year ago | 734


One of the greatest collabs. Some of the kids growing up today watching Elmo will become tech enthusiasts too. Love this

1 year ago | 27


This is so wholesome I can't handle it, fantastic job Marques!

1 year ago | 125


Hi Marques here’s a comment for you. This is one of those comments where you hope someone is listening. You are one of the most influential YouTubers out there and I wanted to bring it to your attention of a bug in the system, but also, in the way that YouTube appear to be dealing with that bug and problem. It is the invalid traffic bug that appears to be hitting thousands of YouTube content creators, myself included. For no apparent reason we receive a message that one or more of our videos has had its ads restricted due to invalid traffic. Yet, when we contact YouTube support, they are neither willing or able to provide the information or support to help us. This is a serious problem that is affecting the lives of many creators and warrants investigation. I’m an experienced IT educator and passionate about producing great content. That’s why I started my channel. But a month ago, my income plummeted by 90%. This is insane and YouTube seem to be ignoring the problem. Don’t expect you to see this or even respond. But hey one can only live in Hope. I’m a great fan of your content and appreciate your support, Andy Malone.

1 year ago | 1


Marques that is beyond cool. Great to see your hard work acknowledged outside of our YouTube bubble. Congrats.

1 year ago | 64


Major congrats 🍾 seeing you work your way out of college and right into the world has been amazing. Let em know who it is out there

1 year ago (edited) | 3


I didn't think it was possible for someone to collab with my childhood but here we are

1 year ago | 209


That was so cool. It’s amazing to see someone who grew up watching the show make a segment like that. Congratulations marques!!

1 year ago | 1