Book Club Radio

This picture was taken 2 years ago at the first party we ever put on. The venue could fit 350 people and maybe around 30 people showed up. I can't stop looking at this picture with anxiousness, excitement, and accomplishment as we gear up for our the night of the Tinzo + Jojo tour tonight. We've come a LONG way and we did it together. There's a lot to be proud, and we can't wait to dance with everyone. Even though it's not an official Book Club party, don't forget the manifesto!

And if you don't have your ticket yet they're available here:

1. Come for the music.
2. Be open to unfamiliar music and sounds.
3. Respect one another.
4. Face each other instead of the DJ.
5. No phones allowed on the dance floor.
6. Dress to express yourself.
7. Dance your heart out.

3 weeks ago (edited) | [YT] | 1,203