Riverside Homestead Life


3 days ago | [YT] | 2,673


The Teachers have become the biggest snowflakes. Looking for any reason for another day off, or to work remotely.

3 days ago | 31


The 70's were great.

3 days ago | 22


I was a School Bus driver in the early to mid 2000's in the California Sierras. In the 13 years I drove for this district, I had 2 snow days. Not that it didn't snow, we knew how to chain and how to drive.

3 days ago | 14


Yup the 70s were great years especially in the winter ❄️🥶

3 days ago | 7


Basically. As a native New Yorker, it didn't matter how high that snow was. You still had to go to school unless the mayor says otherwise.

3 days ago (edited) | 6


I know that's right!! 💯 We used to even walk to school during a blizzard, and then roll huge snowballs until we couldn't push them any further.

3 days ago | 12


We had the most amazing snow forts ever, after the neighbor used his tractor to dig out the front door. Drifts were over the house. The night it started, the snow flakes were massive. My dad barley made it home before they shut the interstate down. My cousin and his 2 friends were stuck in Illinois for a week. For a kid that was great memories. 😆 🤣

1 day ago | 0


Yep...during the Blizzard of 1978. My senior year...I had school.

2 days ago | 0


I have seen places that closed school early due to snow while the sun was shining. When I was in school it was very rare to have school closed due to snow. Now they cancel before the first 2 snowflakes bump together.

3 days ago | 16


So true! I lived those days and us girls had to wear dresses!!

3 days ago | 6


Man, those snowbanks made school recess fun in the winter--and that was the 80s and 90s. In fact, winter made all kinds of things awesome as a kid, especially when you could just enjoy it.

2 days ago | 1


Yep, I remember those days

3 days ago | 12


My best long lost loved days!

3 days ago | 7


So true .. in the uk we went to school / work regardless of the weather ! No such thing as NOT going in .. a bit of snow and I mean a bit of snow brings Everything to a standstill ! It’s madness !

2 days ago | 0


Lived through the 1977

3 days ago | 0


I remember female bus driver putting chains on bus with bad road conditions taking us to school . Only time we got out was for a major blizzard or 20 below for 2 weeks .

3 days ago (edited) | 3


In the 80s I walked 2 miles to school. When it snowed, it was knee high. We still walked there each day.

3 days ago | 3


Yep. We WALKED in that s**t until maybe I was in the Eighth Grade because the rule was back then you only got the School Bus if you were Three Miles away. It didn't matter that we were Junior High kids walking the Overpass Bridge unsupervised playing in traffic, the Weather, or that if I was over a Friend's house two blocks away, then I could take the bus. (They had School Bus Monitors, so I couldn't be slick and sneak on the Bus)

3 days ago | 1


Teachers and administrators love to get those extra days off during the term. Like all holidays and summer isn't enough.

2 days ago | 0


I so remember the top pic I do believe that was in the 70s I remember that.

3 days ago | 4