Amy Wang

Do you find it hard to pay attention in class? 🤔

Hm, but do you also:
- Put YouTube videos on >1x speed
- Find it hard to sit through a movie without pulling your phone out
- Need many cuts and animations edited to watch videos

These things seem different from sitting in class, but they're actually all too similar.

The thing is, you cannot speed up your teacher, you cannot have little bubbles popping up next to your teacher, and you cannot have fancy cinematography in class like in movies.

If you can't get in the habit of focusing while trying to absorb *interesting* content, how in the world can you absorb your *more boring* teacher? You are constantly training yourself to make it harder and harder to sit through lecture, to lock in during exams, and, ultimately, to live life to the fullest in the present.

Haters might say putting videos on 1x speed helps my engagement. Sure - that's a side effect, but it's still a minimal impact compared to the effect of my dedication to helping my audience. I wouldn't spend hours and days and months of deep reflection on each video if my quality messages could just be overwritten by a little suggestion of 1x speed! XD

If you're reading this, I know you're discerning about what content is actually genuine and beneficial to you. After all, that's why I do not say "follow me on Instagram!" and encourage you to delete the app completely instead :D In fact, I encourage you to spend less time on screens as a whole and go out there to implement my advice and live your best life. Though of course, I'll miss you since the only way I get to talk to you is through a screen :p

Much love as always, A-Team 🧡

4 weeks ago | [YT] | 2,579