OcraMed Health

What types of videos would you like to see more of from OcraMed Health

2 months ago | [YT] | 12


Myofascial release & body weight training for sure

2 months ago | 0  


Can you please do a video on sleeping advice, pillow advice? Even if you have suggestions on types of pillows (ex: cervical or lumbar pillows), that would be so helpful ❤ I keep waking up with tight fascia in my neck, QL/psoas major, and back 🙏

2 months ago | 0  


Muscle imbalance talk. Not enough knowledge out there on this topic. Too many ppl going to chiropractors and not enough ppl balancing that muscle tension across all planes

2 months ago | 1


Stretching with some emphasis on regaining some flexibility.

2 months ago | 0