XO, MaCenna

Hi guys! So sorry for the delay! I’ll have a NEW VIDEO live for you first thing in the morning ☀️ can’t wait to stare the updates on our KITCHEN RENOVATION with you guys! Stay tuned

3 months ago | [YT] | 2,748


We fully expect delays or No posts at this stage of baby watch 2024!!! Take all the time you need. We will be waiting. ❤️❤️❤️

3 months ago | 196


Thought maybe baby boy was coming.

3 months ago | 55


Ridiculously invested in your baby boy’s imminent arrival 😂 I’m like everyone else thinking no video meant labor. I think it just proves how truly real you are that we all feel we know you even though we don’t

3 months ago | 78


Baby Watch 2024 is on... ⏱️!

3 months ago | 55


Congratulations!!! Cade is beautiful. You all must be over the moon with joy and love. 🌝

2 months ago | 6


Trying not to be impatient but I keep stalking the page… I was going to say morning has come and gone, then I remembered she’s NOT in Texas anymore so technically it’s still morning in CA 😭…lol. Carry on

3 months ago | 17


Thanks for the update. Was wondering if you got busy making a special delivery.😉

3 months ago | 43


You have nothing to apologise for! Take all the time you need. Not only now while waiting for Mr Man to arrive but once he’s here. You don’t owe us anything.

3 months ago | 26


Glad to hear everything's ok, take care of yourself

3 months ago | 38


Something tells me baby boy might be on the way or has already arrived ✨✨✨

3 months ago | 12


Came here exactly for that. To see if you and baby were well. So glad everything is okay. Take care of you. ❤️

3 months ago | 34


Just like everyone else here I was checking for baby boy alerts! So many excited folks here! Take care

3 months ago | 13


I was like where is MaCenna?!?! 🤣 I was so sure it was the baby coming lo

3 months ago | 6


Any updates I know I’m on the other coast so probably By tonight ?

3 months ago | 7


The baby boy must be coming now! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

3 months ago (edited) | 6


Can't wait for updates on beautiful baby Cade! Hope you're enjoying parenthood. 😉 Hope Kinsley loves her new baby brother

2 months ago (edited) | 1


Congratulations to you both. Take it easy as life will never be the same again! Jane - Sheffield England

2 months ago | 1


Was thinking about you guys for most of the day and it looks like many others were as well. I'll have to get used to checking the Community page. Hope all is good.

3 months ago (edited) | 10


Ahhh I’ve been waiting all day. I’m so excited!! Can’t wait to see! 💗

3 months ago | 16


So glad baby boy is finally here!! Congratulations! 💙 take all the time you need your viewers will still be waitin

3 months ago | 2