Beau Miles

Big thanks to all the bearded people, non bearded people and everyone else in between- who have come to one of my Aussie tour shows. It's been an absolute blast sharing these NQR films with you. Our FINAL SHOW is in PERTH TOMORROW, if you're free I'd love to see ya there.

Perth tickets:…

1 year ago | [YT] | 1,522


If you ever decide to kayak and run to california while cleaning up the worlds ocean - me and my family would totally love to attend and watch your tour. You continue to inspire us, even on this side the world. Thanks brother. Cheers!

1 year ago | 3


Thanks for taking the time for us to grab a photo with you in Adelaide Beau. 👍😊 Love your work. You're a real inspiration to me...we need a few more good eggs like you.

1 year ago | 1


Saw you in Canberra and shook your hand. Loved every second of the show, Beau.

1 year ago | 1


Live in Canada so probably won't make it but good show there Beau, Good luck!

1 year ago | 19


Sorry for being late at the Canberra show. Drove from Sydney and there were a series of unfortunate delays:) Love the show though and kids loved giving you a high five!

1 year ago | 0


Looks like a bloody good time! Would love to see a show in Kiwiland if you're ever over the ditch👍

1 year ago | 2


I would but I am from India and currently in Germany. You're my top 5 YouTubers ever, maybe top 1 if I think too much on it. 😁

1 year ago | 1


Come to the UK!

1 year ago | 5


I would but I’m currently in Italy!! 😭

1 year ago | 0


Thanks for popping into Adelaide! Shame you got given the wind-up!

1 year ago | 2


I can't go :( my disappointment is immeasurable. Though I still hope everyone that goes has a rocking time!

1 year ago (edited) | 1


Here for the beard 😁 from ZA 🇿

1 year ago | 0


Perth show was great!

1 year ago | 0


Can't make it due to existing in the Colorado rockies but it sounds sick af ya mad c u next tuesday

1 year ago | 0


Ah nooo! How did I miss this#

1 year ago | 0


Mr Miles! There is another wonderful bearded redhead doing a crazy feat of endurance running. Have you seen Hardest Geezer who is currently running the length of Africa? I wanted to let you know because it's my favourite series right now.

1 year ago | 2


Why didn’t I know this was happening? Gutted I missed it.

1 year ago | 0


What does it mean when it says admit + merchandise? Do you get merch with the ticket?

1 year ago | 0


I'll bring half a banana..

1 year ago | 0


I wish

1 year ago | 0