Intelligence Squared

“We’re not doomed, and it’s not helpful to think that we are doomed.” ~Hannah Ritchie (Not The End Of The World). Watch our latest full session, ‘How To Build A Sustainable Planet’, with author Hannah Ritchie as she sits down with Intelligence Squared to discuss working towards a more optimistic, eco-conscious future without the doom and gloom.

See the full session here:

7 months ago | [YT] | 113


Thank you.

7 months ago | 0


We're doooooomed

7 months ago | 0


it's called learned helplessness. big powerful rich people are conditioning the masses to feel helpless fighting them. So we don't ever rebel and just stay like broken dogs suffering.

7 months ago | 3


Not the end of earth just life on earth.

7 months ago | 3


Algorithm's look for highest reactions and view times. Our brains react to negatives more than positives so doom and gloom seems to be the only thins we see

7 months ago | 1


Quiet everyone; there's a book to be sold here

7 months ago (edited) | 0


Nothing is inevitable. Acceptance of our infallible selves, and insecurities, as part of every person, and every belief. There is no panacea, there is no utopia. Stop cloaking yourself in denial of reality, by blind obescience, and fealty to beliefs. Feelings do not ask, or answer questions. They don't utilize forethought, or careful consideration. Feelings dictate, and demand. Feelings are applied through dichotomous subjectivity, and perceived absolutism. Beliefs are feelings, that you agree with. What about the ones you disagree with? Just dismiss them, and ridicule the people who share such imbecilic inanities. If you didn't see the irony, then you don't see much at all.

7 months ago (edited) | 0


How could even the best and most accessible innovations and optimism prevent the inevitable asteroid or meteorite from turning our ecosystem upside down .. again? How can it correct the slightest wobble in Earth’s rotation to prevent more of the many eons-long Ice Ages that result.. and the coast-devouring floods when temperatures become milder? Optimism serves our own immediate need for there to be something more, just beyond the horizon. To keep us communal in a shared and purposeful “eternity” for humankind. Similar to the purpose the Church once served. It seems Folly to trick ourselves into believing that half-stepping towards any shared ideological work does anything but burden a future generation with the stewardship of another lumbering, box-checking beaurocracy that no longer serves their paradigm, and shovels money and resources into the fire. There are many ways and reasons to deceive ourselves into some cosmic optimism, but I believe that in our core, we know why that dread still persists.

7 months ago | 0


We are doomed. Its over just enjoy the time that remains

7 months ago | 0


Sustainable? Eco conscious? Try tell that to the men with the nuclear codes.

7 months ago | 0


She’s incredibly wrong. Whilst a “ United States” exists, humanity is f’d in the a.

7 months ago | 0