ChiikaboomAMV Archive [Inactive]

Figured now is as good of time as any to announce that I will no longer be uploading videos to this channel and am turning it into an archive.

Am I retiring from amvs? Not necessarily, but as you can see my uploads have been very few and far between, most people arent getting my vids in their sub boxes as it is. That being said, any amv related project will likely just be small edits of whatever I happen to be into at the time, as opposed to any kind of large project, anything really conceptual, mep,s etc. I simply do not have the time nor passion to do that kind of stuff anymore aside from fun vids of my favorite character hyperfixation or whatever. And when I make those, they wont be frequent, as right now i'm into being a cringey vtuber and that is the main content on my other channel. If you are into that stuff or are willign to wade through a shitton of that content until I happen to make an amv, you can subscribe to it here:

If not, I want to give you guys a big thank you for following me for all these years. I've been making amvs since 2004 and have had this youtube channel since 2005 - its really been a huge part of my life. I've made the majority of my closest friends through this community and i'm so glad i was able to be a part of it.

As usual all of my videos are available for direct download here:…

You are free to reupload if you wish as long as proper credit is given and none of the videos are monetized.

If you dont care about the other channel but wanna keep up with whatever the heckie im doing, i'm always on twitter:

You guys mean a lot more to me than you think. Thanks so much for everything.


2 years ago | [YT] | 102