Curious question for those who watch my videos. Captions or no captions?

2 months ago | [YT] | 1,502


"The power of being the first voter is magical" . . .lol

2 months ago | 138  


Gotta love the captions. They sometimes add to the hilarity of the situation.

2 months ago | 55


I really like your gta videos they are so funny keep it up man

2 months ago | 72  


I want captions for most, if not all of the video but not the "big, in your face" captions that you currently have where the words are flying across the screen dramatically...just normal captions sitting calmly toward the bottom of the screen if that makes sense lol πŸ˜…

2 months ago | 16


I'm a bit deaf so I love captions

2 months ago | 18


Hii, I'm a newer subscriber! I love your content and I love your variety of characters and different voices. Your videos are hilarious and I'm glad I found your videos!! Never stop but also never burn out πŸ’œβ€οΈπŸ€

2 months ago | 7


Ive been losing my hearing to a bad ear infection with a sinus infection seeing the captions really helps

2 months ago | 2


#idea you’re an agent of the apocalypse prevention agency going up against the entire server for a class three emergency(someone trying to use dark magic to cast hell on S.A.)and pro would be your partner with you trying to go against either Nat guard or the county sheriffs office, also could you possibly do more videos with pro and his character Jackstone for SCP because I really liked the part where within the SCP 173 in the police station was using his character Jack stone in a more professional and realistic way of hiding the SCP foundation

2 months ago | 1


Captions are useful when it's hard to hear people, but they're very easy to overuse. Too many captions end up blocking the actual video content and feel too much like an obnoxious YouTube Short. They can be immersion-breaking when used too often. They're best used somewhat sparingly.

2 months ago (edited) | 8


Idea: rp as the duo lingo bird and kidnap and torture players who did not do their lessons that they never signed up for. COuld be an scp video. no idea if an scp would be similar to the duo lingo bird though

2 months ago | 3


captions are great when it’s hard to hear, but also your captions tend to change fonts a lot and it can be a bit jarring when it’s a weird one for the entire film

2 months ago | 2


I have watched your videos for 4 years. Captions have always been good for me since I have hearing lose, but when in large cowards is the best. Keep up the good job πŸ‘

2 months ago | 0


Adding captions can help because youtube captions are not always accurate and could help someone who can't hear, but I'm not sure if there are any deaf people who watch your videos

2 months ago | 3


Honestly, I like the way it is currently, with the captions to highlight the funny moments or when it's hard to hear

2 months ago | 0


For me the captions kinda distract me from the video but I try my best to ignore them keep up the good work James!

2 months ago | 1


I love hearing Harold talk with no captions lol

2 months ago | 0


I like the caption for people like phantom cause he has the mask that muffles his voice but besides that everyone on pgn talks pretty well

2 months ago | 0


You doing your thang james we can hear. But listen we need another motar man I cried laughing at that video. "He jus cut my hands off he cut my wrist and my hands jus shot off".πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

2 months ago | 0


I feel it's best for those moments where it's hard to hear or for multiple people talking. If people can't hear there's the YouTube captions, but with those you can't color code them

2 months ago | 0


Also within pro gamer work is the SCP foundation like a SCP 500 scenario where it’s more known and not so secretive or is there just not enough people for it to be secretive because the wiki states that the foundation is a secret of organization that hides in the darkand does not wish to be seen by the public but PGN has it differently. Can you explain please?

2 months ago | 1