Fastrack IELTS

June practice is here :) The rules are simple. Write your answer and post it in the comments by the end of Thursday. I will read each answer and reply with one piece of feedback. On Friday, I'll post the sample answer. Ready? Here's the task

3 months ago | [YT] | 276


Hi guys! Just to confirm, later today I'll comment on all the sample answers you've posted. I appreciate your patience!

3 months ago (edited) | 4


The chart describes how much US had imported seafoods from different countries. The bar chart illustrates US importment from the year 2002 to 2022 and here we can see that it has been increasing every year,and the peak was on the year 2022. It also depicts the future outcome for the year 2023 where it slightly decline than the year before. The pie chart depicts the countries where US had been importing from it,we can see that they had been importing from China the most which is around 28% comparng to Ecuador which is 7% only .

3 months ago (edited) | 3


The bar chart depicts the US food imports between the years 2002 and 2022 as well as possible prediction for 2032 and the amounts measured in billion US dollars. The pie chart comprises different countries that export seafood to the United States in the year 2022. Overall, it can be observed from the bar chart that the amount in billion US dollars skyrocketed until it reached the maximum peak before it experienced a plunge. Additionally, from the pie chart, China is the highest exporter of seafood, followed by Thailand. There was a rise in the figures in 2002 from 7 billion US dollars to 21 billion US dollars in 2022(which is the highest count). Furthermore, there was a continuous increase over the past two decades up until 2022, and afterwards, there will be a slight decline to 18 billion US dollars as forecasted in 2032. In the pie chart, it can be seen that China is leading with 28%. It is closely followed by Thailand, with just a difference of 5%. The third in line is Canada, with 16% while Indonesia, Vietnam, and Ecuador follow with 9%, 8%, and 7% respectively. A small fraction is allocated to a variety of countries identified as "others" totalling up to 9%.

3 months ago (edited) | 5


A glance at the pie chart provided illustartes the distribution of the regions from which the seafood was imported to the U.S. in 2002. Moreover, the bar chart gives information about the value of seafood imports over two decades until 2022, beside a projection for the year 2032. It is apparent that initially, the seafood imports' value was at its lowest (approximately 7 billion dollars), experiencing a threefold soar untill 2022. Also, it is projected that it will decline slightly by about 2 billion dollars in the future. According to the pie chart, China was the main exporter (well over a quarter of the total), followed by Thailand at roughly under a quarter. Meanwhile, almost a sixth of the total imports belonged to Canada, while the four other regions' export to the U.S. varied between 7% and 9%. Overall, it is worth noting that the total cost of seafood imports will see an upward trend. Moreover, in spite of all peaks and troughs, China and Thailand revealed a significant difference with the other nations in order to supply seafood to the U.S..

3 months ago (edited) | 2


The bar graph illustrates the import economy of American seafood from 2002 to 2032. The pie chart depicts the percentage how much each nation consumes of it. Overall, overtime there is significant increase in expenditure by US on food that comes from sea. China is the biggest importer for the US. As general observation, Asian countries are the most exporters among others. At the onset, America spent in 2002 just above 5 billions to meet local needs of nutrition. Despite there has been exponential growth in orders since then until 2022 by hitting 20 billions but it is predicted that by 2032 there will be a decline to around 17 billions. In 2022, the main partners of the USA were China, Thailand, and Canada making around 67 percent of total amount. To explicitly viewing year 2022, nations who gained largest profits from this business with USA, are China and Thailand being just around quarter percentage, next is Canada by 16%. However, Indonesia, Vietnam and Ecuador along with other countries hovered between 9-7 percent, respectively. -------------------------- Kindly score my essay too please, I am one of your course takers. Thanks in advance.

3 months ago | 1


The bar chart depicts the imports of seafood by the US from different countries between 2002 and 2022 as well as the possible prediction for the year2023. From an overall perspective it is closely obvious that the south east asian countries are the major source of seafood-imports and gradually the amount of import is decreasing. It is showing that 2022 is the most prominent year in the history of US seafood imports. This year has spent almost 21 billion US dollars in importing seafood from several countries rather than the years between 2002 to 2012. Contrarily it is being predicted that by the year of 2023 the seafood imports will decrease by 18 billion US dollars. China(28%) is the major exporter of seafood in the USA followed by Thailand(23%), Canada(16%). There are few other countries which have also insignificant contributions in exporting seafood in the USA. They are in Indonesia(9%), Vietnam (8%), Equador(7%) respectively. There are some unmentioned countries which also carry 9% of total world seafood imports in the USA.

3 months ago (edited) | 1


The bar chart illustrates the value of bringing seafood from abroad to US from 2002 to 2022 at ten-year intervals, as well as a projection for 2032,measured in billion US dollars.The pie chart exhibits the origin of these imports in 2022. Overall, the US imported significantly more seafood in 2022 compared to previous years, but the value of seafood imports is expected to decline slightly by 2032. As for the geographical structure of these imports in 2022, China sold the most amount of seafood to US,closely followed by Thailand, while Ecuador contributed the least. Focusing on US seafood imports in many years, roughly 7 billion US dollars came from marine cuisine imports in 2002, jumping to 10 billion in 2012. Over the ensuing ten years, this figure doubled,reaching 20 billion US dollars by 2022. Lastly,this sum is anticipated to decrease slightly to 18 billion dollars by 2032. Regarding the seafood exporters in 2022, 28% of the total amount of seafood was imported from China, accounting four folds more than Ecuador's export,at 7%. Thailand was the second-largest exporter, making up just under a quarter. Canada sold twice as much seafood as Vietnam, with the respective shares of 16% and 8%. Indonesia and other miscellaneous countries each accounted for approximately 10 % of the seafood imports.

3 months ago | 2


The bar chart shows how much seafood was imported in the US between 2002 and 2022, as well as a speculative figure for 2032, measured in billion US dollars. The pie chart is a breakdown of the origins of US seafood imports in 2022. Overall, the number of US seafood imports saw an upwards trend from 2002 to 2022, with a projected decline going into 2032. In addition, according to the pie chart, the largest share of US seafood imports in 2022 belongs to China. Regarding the count of seafood imports, this figure started at approximately 7 billion US dollars (USD) in 2002. It went on to experience a considerable growth, peaking at around 21 billion USD in 2022. In 2032, it is forecasted that this number will observe a small decrease to around 18 billion USD. Concerning the geographical origin of the seafood imports, China has the greatest share out of all countries, with 28%. Thailand is in the second place with 23%. Canada’s share of 16% puts it above Indonesia, Vietnam, and Ecuador at 9%, 8%, and 7% respectively. A number of unnamed countries constitutes a combined 9% of all US seafood imports. - - END - - I want to say that I really appreciate your work, as it has helped and will continue to help millions of people achieve their goals in the IELTs. Thank you for your time!

3 months ago (edited) | 7


The bar chart presents information about how many dollars worth seafood US imported and is forecasted to import in the future. The accompanying pie chart, meanwhile, shows where this product was purchased from in 2022. Overall, the amount of money directed to seafood from overseas increased consistently, except for a slight dip projected in 2032. It is also clear that the main exporter of marine food to the US was China, closely followed by Thailand. Rounding out the top three exporters was Canada, while the remaining countries showed almost equal shares of the total. Regarding US spendings on seafood imports, the US allocated 10 billion dollars for this product in 2012, almost twice the amount from an initial point of approximately 5 billion in 2002. Two decades later, the figures doubled again, reaching the chart high of 20 billion dollars. By 2032, however, this amount is anticipated to drop by roughly 2 billion. Turning to the seefood providers for the US, China outpaced all other countries with 28% of the total imports, compared to 23% made up by Thailand. Canada came third, constituting 16%, while Indonesia and the unspecified group ranked joint-fourth with 9%. Finally, there was a negligible 1%-difference in the corresponding figures of Vietnam and Ecuador (8% versus 7%, respectively).

3 months ago | 1


The given graphical representation shows the seafood imports between 2002 to 2022. The chart explains how much quantities of seafood they imported. We an understand that US is one of the leading country which imports seafood from the famous neighbour country’s who produce seafood more. From the beginning stage to the ending stage the country’s growth in the field of import of seafood was surprised. In 2022 is the most increased importing was happened. Out of the seven country’s China is the country which export seafood to US in a higher percentage. Moreover from Thailand 23 percentage of seafood exported to the US. However Ecuador is the country which export only 7 percentage of seafood to the US. Therefore, may be these countries are the good producers of seafood in the world.Finally we can realise the consumption of seafood imports to the US .

3 months ago | 1


The bar graph illustrates the volume of seafood imports in the United States from 2002 to 2022 with a prediction for 2032. The pie chart displays the diversity of seafood importing countries in 2022. Overall, the US seafood import market rose in the past twenty years, while the most part of the products sourced from several countries. In a decade import volume is forecasted to decrease. From 2002 to 2022 seafood imports in the US tripled from about $6 billion in 2002 to $20 billion at the end of the period. Nevertheless, the forecast for 2032 shows a reduce in seafood imports by about $3 billion compared to the 2022 level. According to the pie chart, China, Thailand and Canada were the main countries-importer, controlling 67% of the market. China had the largest volume of seafood imports to the United States - 28%, followed by Thailand (23%) and Canada (16%). The share of each other country had less than 10% of the seafood imports.

3 months ago | 1


The chart illustrates how seafood was brought in from abroad to United state of America from 2002 to 2022 and the prediction for 2032. The pie chart displays the information of the geographical arrangements of these countries in 2022. Overall, in the beginning ,the sea food imported into the US from abroad for a period of 10 years was approximately at the same proportion. Where as,ten years later it dramatically increased .however, it is projected to fall again in 10 years. Also in the data, China is the highest dominant market in the seafood supply to the USA. In 2002 seafoods imported into the country amounted to 7 billion US dollars while in 2012 it slightly grew to 10 billion US dollars by a margin of 3%. But it drastically peaked in 2022 to 20billion dollars.Nevertheless, it is predicted to drop by an insignificant amount of around 2% in 2032. A striking feature in the pie chart is that the US imported the most from 3 countries:China 28%,Thailand 23% and canada 16%.Other countries indonesia,unnamed country,vietnam,ecuador are just at a small amount of 7-10%.

3 months ago (edited) | 1


The bar chart depicts the amount of seafood imported into the US between 2002 and 2022, with a projected figure for 2032, expressed in billion US dollars. In contrast, the pie chart provides a detailed breakdown of the sources of US seafood imports in 2022. Overall, there has been a consistent upward trajectory in the volume of seafood imports over each decade. Beginning at $7 billion in 2002, this figure soared to a remarkable $20 billion by 2022. However, future projections suggest a modest downturn, with an estimated reduction of about $2 billion expected by 2032. In terms of geographical data, the peak year of 2022 highlighted China as the predominant exporter to the US, commanding a significant 28% share of total imports. Closely trailing was Thailand, with a shortfall of just 5% compared to China. Canada played a substantial role as well, contributing 16% to the total seafood imports to the US. Ecuador, Vietnam, and Indonesia collectively accounted for nearly identical proportions, with contributions of 7%, 8%, and 9%, respectively. Finally, the remaining 9% of seafood imports originated from various other countries.

3 months ago | 1


The bar chart depicts the trend in US seafood imports over twenty years, from 2002 to 2022, and a projected outcome for 2032. The pie chart provides a detailed description of the geographical distribution of these imports in 2022. The seafood imports appear to have a downward parabolic trend, with the number of imports in 2022 at its peak. Moreover, the pie chart reveals that China was the clear leader in supplying seafood in 2022. In the initial twenty years, from 2002 to 2022, the country experienced a gradual upward trend in seafood imports, rising from 7 billion US dollars in 2002 to approximately 20 billion US dollars in 2022. However, estimates for future years are not promising as they show a sharp decline in the number of imports that are to occur. Furthermore, a deep dive into the geographical structure of the imports in 2022 reveals that the proportion of seafood imports from China dominated, accounting for 28% of the total imports. Thailand, with a 23% share, closely followed. Canada was placed third with a 16% contribution to the seafood imports. Countries such as Indonesia, Vietnam, Ecuador and other unnamed regions were placed at the bottom as their shares were each 10% for the same year.

3 months ago (edited) | 1


The bar chart illustrated the US Seafood imports in the middle of 2002 and 2022 and predicted in 2023, while the bar chart displayed the geographical structure imports in 2022. First, The US seafood imports showed that they started to have a 7% in 2002 and increase the figures to 10% in 2012. The trend was continuing to increase, resulting to got a 20% grow in 2022. However, after 10 years from the highest percentage year, the numbers declined to 18% without any further explanation. Secondly, the graph presented where the US seafood origin by different country in 2022. Its tremendously huge number share of China by getting of 28% while the smallest is Ecuador with only have a 7%. In addition, Thailand stagger the world because they are next to China by getting of 23% shares which is higher than to Canada, wherein the Indonesia was higher of 1% from Vietnam. Other countries were not mentioned on the graph but it still revealed that they are higher of 2% to Ecuador.

3 months ago (edited) | 1