Michigan Rocks

Nancy just counted up the votes from last week's video. It was closer either of us thought it would be. I got 70 votes (several of them pity votes) and Nancy got 384 votes. Thanks for all the counting, Nancy, and congratulations on kicking my butt. Thanks to all who voted too!

1 month ago | [YT] | 115


That was close, Nancy got about 85% of the vote 😜

1 month ago | 2  


WOW😂🤣😅😆😁😄😃🙃🤪😜😛 A WOPPING NUMBER 💞💕💞💕💞💕💞

1 month ago | 1  


I got a question for you have you rock hunted any of the rivers in the lp? Me and my gf are headed to the pigeon river to see what we can find

1 week ago | 0