Dr. Becky

Oh boy! New paper on the crisis in cosmology just came out from one of the big JWST groups. You KNOW I'll be covering this in this month's Night Sky News. It's not necessarily anything new, just a confirmation of previous results from the same group. If you've been watching my videos for a while you know that one of the explanations for the Hubble tension has always been if the Cepheid variable stars are "biased bright" and we're attributing too much light to them and therefore getting their distance wrong, which screws up our measurement of the expansion rate of the Universe. We had some hints that this wasn't the case from the same research group last year, but this paper has now done the same thing with more data and just ruled this out with very strong statistical evidence to back it up! Very interesting...
link to paper: arxiv.org/pdf/2401.04773.pdf

8 months ago (edited) | [YT] | 2,468