
Best social media:

1 month ago | [YT] | 1,026


Bruh we're using it right now😂

1 month ago | 78


100 percent of people chose youtube

1 month ago | 42


Youtube lol

1 month ago | 48


Its pinterest. It's a social media without the 'social' . Peacefull and quiet 💗

1 month ago | 4


brah YouTube my homie is the best

1 month ago | 9


There's no best social media, only the lesser evil...

1 month ago | 2


YouTube has everything

1 month ago | 9


For some reason all of the adult population chose Facebook 💀

1 month ago | 4


We are literally using YouTube rn

1 month ago | 4


Twitter is the worst, just a place to argue about politics

1 month ago | 0


99% yt and 100% Spotify i love Spotify

1 month ago | 1


YouTube is the best!

1 month ago | 2


Actually youtube

1 month ago | 4


I wouldn't really consider YouTube social media, but yea I chose it anyways If not then probably reddit, you can actually filter stuff to be mainly what you want

1 month ago | 0


I swear these Roblox shorts creators are not any better than TikTok

1 month ago | 0


I love TikTok I pick TikTok 😄

1 month ago | 0


But I love TikTok more 🤦

1 month ago | 1


VHS is a winner for me

1 month ago | 1


Tik tok. Change my mind

1 month ago | 0


YouTube is the king of social media

1 month ago | 0