Bay Area Buggs

I didn't think I needed to make this post but it seems YouTube hasn't taken action on the latest comment scammers. I am doing everything I can to stay on top of these and ban these comments.

This should be obvious but I am NOT doing a giveaway! If you are not sure if it's actually me commenting please look for the verified checkmark next to my name. I would NEVER do a giveaway in my comments.

These are SCAMS, NEVER give ANY information to ANYBODY on the internet. No giveaway will EVER have you PAY to collect your "prize"

If you see these comments please report them, do not respond to them. I hope YouTube steps in and does something about these but this isn't the first YouTube comment scam bots we've seen and they won't be the last.

Please be smart and do not fall for these blatant scams. (Examples of scam comments posted below)

Thank you for taking the time to read this and thank you for watching!

1 year ago | [YT] | 8,694


So you mean I didn't win a lifetime supply of strawberry rails? Damn it...

1 year ago | 395


Thank you Buggs for being so active in your comments always, You're amazing!

1 year ago | 110


It's really the fact that the actual YouTubers themselves have to make PSA's about scammers that says the issue is getting wild.

1 year ago | 171


This could be an idea for another video you and Ryan to do? Just like the clowns and trivia, just scammers instead 👌 Great videos, made me laugh a lot

1 year ago (edited) | 42


Scammers are always coming up with something new. The only way I would even think about trusting it is only if you said about doing a giveaway in a video and then made a video of who the winner is and to contact you a specific way. Keep up the great content and thankyou for everything.

1 year ago | 38


Exactly what someone doing a secret giveaway would say

1 year ago | 15


You know you have made it when people are scamming people pretending to be you! But in all seriousness, it’s great you care about these scams and are trying to save your fans!!! Love the content!!

1 year ago | 3


Those scammers are getting out of control. They are in every YouTube video comments anymore. Thanks for letting everyone know and thanks for the always great content.

1 year ago | 4


This is very common now, most of us easily know how to spot a scammer but some people still don't so thanks for putting out the message when youtube should see this and do something. There are so many youtube channels that go after these scammers and harm their illegal activity and try and save people. Buggs will never try to scam you unless you buy a kilo of parm from the pizza place!

1 year ago | 2


If someone is dumb enough to fall for scams like this, they deserve everything they get. We need to stop coddling and protecting idiots and let nature take its course. Love your videos brother, keep up the good work.

1 year ago | 4


What’s really surprising is that the same people falling for these scams are also allowed to vote, drive and have children.

1 year ago | 6


Dude these scammers are something else

1 year ago | 8


Yeah I won awhile ago and paid shipping it must be a really big prize the shipping was 1500!! So excited to see what it is maybe it will come this year!!

1 year ago | 14


This generation needs warning labels to walk around their own houses🤣

1 year ago | 2


These types of scams are basically a Nigerian Royalty scam. While most people would be sceptical and most likely ignore it, there are those who will unfortunately become a victim of these types of scams. But all that being said, I will still reply to the scammers. It is a great source of entertainment to me. And thank you Buggs for being diligent enough to actually care about your subscribers.

1 year ago | 1


Buggs is the real G 🙏

1 year ago | 2


Thank you for bringing this up Buggs these have been all over you tube lately I really love your videos you are the best thanks again

1 year ago | 0


Finally someone said something about it, thank you buggs. Hate these scammers

1 year ago | 1


Alot of youtubers have it happen, been going on for the pass idk 6 months, but don't worry! Keep the video going dude.

1 year ago | 4


I heard other YouTubers have disabled certain words from being said in the comments, and it has helped. Maybe that’s something you may look into!

1 year ago | 3