Pink Floyd

Today in 1972, the premiere of Pink Floyd Live At Pompeii was held in Edinburgh, Scotland. The atmospheric footage of the band in action, in a deserted amphitheatre, has mesmerised audiences ever since. When did you first see the film?

2 weeks ago | [YT] | 7,294


I saw it for the first time back in 1972 in NYC. I had the whole theater to myself. It was an afternoon showing. Absolutely AWESOME!!!!! I have it still on VHS tape and the DVD as well. Shine On!!!!

2 weeks ago | 26


Saw this at the Fox theater summer of 1973? Saturday afternoon matinee! Pot and tea (grainy white powder psyodellic) were included. Blew me away along with ELP Concert (show never ends) Ever since they have been my favorite music, nudged aside but didn't replace Led Zep! To be 15 and experience this music has always made me so happy and appreciative, thank you God!!!

2 weeks ago | 7


1999…..Was the first time I saw it after the birth of my daughter. My husband surprised me with the DVD and portable player. Awesome performance for such a special day 😎🍷🤟🏽🐖🍄🌙🌈🎼🎹

2 weeks ago | 18


I wish that I would of seen Pink Floyd. I know that I missed a concert of a lifetime. Pink Floyd is amazing. They have so many countless songs. They are the epitome of rock and roll. They will always be remembered. Their music 🎶 🎵 is also therapeuti

2 weeks ago | 3


This wonderful piece of work came into my life 1973 and has remained in it since 😍

2 weeks ago | 2


Back in 2020 was the first time I saw it when it was made free to watch for a day in order to cure the “quarantine blues.” Loved it!

2 weeks ago | 57


I first saw it when I was a senior in high school in 1991. I was, and still am, in constant amazement at the rawness and simple beauty both visually and audibly. Generational talent.

2 weeks ago | 10


Greatest concert film ever. I first saw it in a theater, in 1980 when I was in high school. My friend and I chugged a six pack and did some really strong, psychedelic weed and ran to the theater. It was one of the most amazing experiences of my life.

2 weeks ago | 3


Unhappily only 2013 for the first time; I can say i've seen it several hundreds time... So emotionnal and so unforgettable for me! Many, many thanks for all Pink Floyd!!!

2 weeks ago | 4


I watched this for the first time in 2022. Took some mushrooms with my buddies and decided this would be the trip music. We also listened to Pink Floyd’s 1977 show in Montreal. It was mind blowing

2 weeks ago (edited) | 6


I saw the director’s cut of the original 1972 film in 2017 just after I had went to see Roger Waters in concert on his “Us and Them” tour. It was really nice to see the band performing and being interviewed as well as recording their classic album “Dark Side of the Moon!!!”

2 weeks ago (edited) | 9


Sad to say only 2 yrs ago& I have been a PF fan since my teens in the 70’s. I have made up for it though& watched it hundreds of times. Pure magic ❤️

2 weeks ago | 3


2005… 15 years old and my best friend’s Dad introduced us to this wonderful performance. Has been in my opinion their greatest/flawless performances live. Definitely epitomizes the legend of Pink Floyd.

2 weeks ago | 1


Around 1990 when I lived with my nana and grandad. That show and the black and white one that Zep did called 'Danmarks Radio' for 50 kids sat on the floor around them are the best 2 performances I've ever seen. Especially Echoes.

2 weeks ago | 1


Late 80’s . Saw it over and over again with my friends on VHS .

2 weeks ago | 2


2011 on BBC 4. I zapped right into "One of these days" and this is when my passion for Pink Floyd began. I was blind and now I can see!

2 weeks ago | 1


In 1982 on the television with terrible sound at a friends house. Went out and bought the vhs tape and whenever dvd came along upgraded to that. Sound and picture are so much better now that I own my own stereo equipment and tv. This is the best live concert out there with Led Zeppelin’s song remains the same a close second.

2 weeks ago | 1


I was completely obsessed with Pink Floyd at Pompeii all throughout high school… I would come home from school and watch it start to finish playing my guitar along with the tracks I could. I bought my first Stratocaster a dark blue just like David Gilmour‘s… A truly, epic film… Slow paced for today’s no attention span audiences, however, a classic, nevertheless!

2 weeks ago | 1


Saw it back in the day on tv, surprisingly. I was mesmerized, hypnotized and electrified by this amazing performance. The footage is brilliant and the music is iconic. Later bought it on VHS and now on DVD

2 weeks ago | 0


I saw Pink Floyd in 1977 in Tampa. One of the Best Concerts I've ever seen

2 weeks ago | 2