Sebas likes animations

Guys, I wanna be honest and admit on why I haven't uploaded in a few months, it's a little complicated but basically I've been dealing with a lot of regrets and depression, and a LOT of stress from those regrets. Now I always suspected I might've had OCD, even WAY before this but I've never been diagnosed so take it with a grain a salt but I've been doing research and it turns out I might be dealing with real event OCD and rumination. Maybe I'm just overdramatic but I do wanna spread awareness on ocd either way since it either doesn't get talked about much or is stereotyped with being a perfectionist. I highly suggest doing your own research if you feel like you have the signs of intrusive unwanted thoughts, what ifs and stressing out about those what ifs, and not remembering clearly if you might've done something bad in the past or not. Now just so I can come out clean, I do wanna say I'm DEEPLY sorry to anyone from my past online, whether I was arguing and being rude over a character or franchise I loved, or said any offensive, or edgy statements or jokes. I was a dumbass, ignorant, and sensitive 15-16 year old. I know nobody has called me out on this or you might even find it overdramatic or unnecessary to apologize over something that people probably already forgot about or don't care about, but just in case if any of you were hurt from my past actions, trust me when I say I deeply apologize and I DEEPLY regret it. Hopefully this is my last serious post I make, and I can go back to uploading more frequently now. I love you guys and even though this is a small channel, it means everything to me♥️

9 months ago | [YT] | 7