
ok ok !! so we're going to give away a signed version of the original test pressing for Happiness, Guaranteed. All you have to do is let us know in the comments what brings you the most happiness. 🌻🌻🌻 The winner will be announced on Sunday! (Via IG)

2 years ago | [YT] | 120


what brings me happiness is knowing that we are all the same, even though we are from different places, and your songs are an example of bringing us together with peace and love! ❤

2 years ago | 3


Music, nature and our kids... when you get that unexplainable feeling of pure joy, love & appreciation its a vibration only you can feel in that very moment... MAJESTIC 💫

2 years ago | 0


What brings me happiness is remembering all the great memories I had with my best friend of over 50 years who passed away last year.

2 years ago (edited) | 2


I am at my happiest when I'm outside, be it camping, hiking or kayaking. 🌿🌄 Good tunes are the cherry on top

2 years ago | 0


the thing that brings me the most happiness is music! playing music, the process of learning and trying new things, hearing others express themselves sonically, it just brings me so much genuine joy! 💛

2 years ago | 0


What brings me happiness is being to produce shows once again after this pandemic! As someone behind the scenes, being able to see the love and unity that music and theatre creates come back into the world is exhilarating. A new renaissance is to come! And I can't wait to support the artists creating it.

2 years ago | 0


Your lyrics have brought so much light to my soul💜 When you can connect with others on how you feel the emotions in your veins, in your heart, in your head and your heart opens..that’s my happiness🥰 “I’m not made of stone”

2 years ago (edited) | 0


Sometimes happiness is hard to find but I think just looking for it where it could be possible. I took a hike yesterday and it made me pretty happy to hear the water in the creek, I spent some time with friends, planned a trip for myself and my daughter. I suppose this post also brought me a bit of happiness. It's allowed me to stop and reflect which is amazing in itself, so thank you!

2 years ago | 0


What brings me happiness is when I thought my only way out was ending my life, these are the things that happened in just the past few days.. I woke up knowing I get a second chance at life, I have my families forgiveness and unconditional love towards me when I am going through the worst possible time with my mental illness, the people who have hurt me have all apologized this year and have given me the closure I always prayed for, I get to spend a lot of time with my dog right now because I work from home and he’s getting old and soon I get to start a new job, in a new place, with new people, new adventures, new opportunities than I’ve ever had before in my life.

2 years ago (edited) | 0


My friends/roommates, they're always full of positivity and good vibes

2 years ago | 0


To be a person who lives with a good heart and be down to earth. Respectful and thankful.

2 years ago | 0


Debating with my 4yr old son for 30mins about which is better, cold or hot milk. I lost the debate and I'm a proud and happy dad.

2 years ago | 0


What brings me the most happiness is raising monarch and black swallow tail butterflies in the summer it gives me a feeling of giving omething back to nature

2 years ago | 0


My pets bring me so much joy and happiness. I have a new dog named Willy who has already changed my life for the better. Animals don't care what you look like, or what's going on in your life. They just love you unconditionally :)

2 years ago | 0


Taking my time with having my morning coffee, knowing that I’m in control of my day ahead.

2 years ago | 0


Love and God bring me the most happiness, every day, any time... always brings me back.

2 years ago | 0


What brings me happiness, is appreciating all the wonders this world has. Understanding through heartache. Now I create everyday. I love this life

2 years ago | 0


Off the top of my head, I'd say spending time with people I enjoy spending time with.

2 years ago | 0


My three cats and their playful adventures give me so much joy and happiness.

2 years ago | 0


Listening to frogs chirping outside my window as I fall asleep

2 years ago | 0