
I was at a Waterpark when I was 14 when a girl my age walked up to me and said my name, then said wait you're not him and I told her that it was in fact my name. It's crazy that doppelgangers are out there and you would never know they ever existed if it wasn't for a rare coincidence.

7 months ago (edited) | 85


Average bro interaction

7 months ago | 29


In 4th grade I was taking a dump at school but I felt like someone was looking at me so I looked up and this kid was peering over just staring at me while I was taking a shit. So I got up and chased his ass, didn't wipe or anything. It was an experience, I still don't understand why someone would do that, I thought about it for years after no lie. I went back to wipe, of course. That school was different, some kids rubbed literal shit on the stalls and walls in that very bathroom the next year. We had to have a meeting with the entire school about how touching other people's poop will kill you, that's exactly what they said.

7 months ago (edited) | 18



7 months ago | 81



7 months ago | 14


I was sitting in class and one girl randomly said to her friend “don’t go outside without socks! You’ll catch an STD!”

7 months ago | 24



7 months ago | 31


Towards the end of my apprenticeship, I and multiple friends went to the supermarket. One of em had a lil boombox and had rap-strip music running on max vol. A car before the red light, filled with young women, called us over - we shrugged and went to the car window. One showed us her phone and asked if we like what we see - multiple of the girls in underwear. We overall agreed that we like what we saw, lights turned green and off they drove. We of course cherished that moment simply cuz, sadly nothing alike ever happened again to me. Nice lil memory tho.

7 months ago | 3


Normal interaction

7 months ago | 13


I was in high school and I was over weight and in gym class a guy said pass it to him man boobs kid... never forgot it 🤣

7 months ago | 16


Slept on my shoulder and drooled. This girl in freakin Victorian British Detective fit slept on my shoulder on a subway ride. She was kinda cute so I let it slide. But I had to wake her up with a shoulder bounce as she started to drool...😅

7 months ago | 2


I like how people just straight up commented stories here. Even if there's no way to know if they're real, it's still entertaining to read them.

7 months ago | 5


When I was 11-12 we camped with some friends outside into the forest. At the night there was far away a strange looking old grandma behind a tree. When the whole group noticed her she asked if we want some candy, she tried to lure us deeper into the forest. We said no and called the police. It was very scary and no one of us wanted to go away from the campfire. It feel like if we stand in the light from the fire she will not come near. After some time she was gone. Later the police arrived and we told them what happened. They checked it but found nothing.

7 months ago | 12


I was 18, trying to empty the trash at my job. Some lady, had to be at least 30-45 years old came up to me while waiting for her order and started a conversation with me. She looks at our bulletin board, “Have you ever gone to a live play?” “No.. I haven’t.” “Well do you wanna go with me? You’re still young and have so much life left in you. If you go with me, think about how many times you’ll get to tell someone about this experience. My husband and kids don’t ever do anything with me. My husband doesn’t really acknowledge I’m there.” I stand there absolutely uncomfortable and I’m sweating buckets as she write her phone number down to offer to take me to this live play. And this is not the first time a lonely middle/older aged person has essentially hit on me but it was by far the creepiest since she gave me her number.

7 months ago | 15


I was in the toilet standing while someone from other toilet cabin touched my leg. It all happened in a cafe near my house. That was very weird

7 months ago | 19


Bro is referring to his middle ages 💀 💯

7 months ago | 0



7 months ago | 5


How sweet of you! :)

7 months ago | 0


I was taking a dump in 6th grade and some 2nd grader pissed on my shoes. Still don't know why he thought that was a good idea

7 months ago | 1


Had me in the first half ngl

7 months ago | 1