
In the realm of computer algorithms, what does the principle of 'backtracking' refer to?

11 months ago | [YT] | 139


You're quizzes are genuinely amazing. It's incredible how poignant they are yet still so different from the usual "what does this code produce".

11 months ago | 4  


"Realizing you're approaching the problem incorrectly and searching the internet for a better algorithm"

11 months ago | 4


The thing you do when your js framework is no longer being used because it crashes every 10 seconds but you hyped it up on reddit and your blog since it released 6 months ago.

5 months ago | 0


TIL a recursion function I wrote uses backtracking

11 months ago | 1


can you tell me how do you animate those amazing graphics, please, I wanna learn to animate like you 🥺

11 months ago | 0


Actually in any search or optimization problem, you also backtrack even if you found a potential solution as a better solution might exist. So restricting this to no solution cases is not general.

9 months ago | 0


I love backtracking in regex, so much potential for chaos!

11 months ago | 0


One can use backtracking after running a DP algorithm to find the solution set, which does exactly what C says. This would make C also a correct answer.

11 months ago | 0


Ah, yes, something I'm intimately familiar with as a novice developer.

11 months ago | 0