
Behind the scenes of casting Martha and Teri for Baby Reindeer

1 month ago | [YT] | 1,002


While the escalating tension between Donny (Richard Gadd) and his stalker Martha (Jessica Gunning) serves as the engine for Netflix’s surprise hit series Baby Reindeer, it’s Nava Mau’s Teri, a trans therapist with whom Donny falls in love, who holds the key to the show’s themes of empathy and compassion. Donny’s life may be unraveling, but it is his attraction to Teri — and the knotted feelings about his sexuality he’s forced to reckon with as a result — that serves as a kind of salve in his darkest hours. Mau herself views Teri as a “pillar” amidst the maelstrom Martha unleashes with her endless emails and not-so-empty threats. Like much of the rest of the show, Teri is loosely based on a real-life person who left an imprint on Gadd, but Mau’s tender performance elevates her to a wholly original character. As she describes it, “I had never seen someone write words for a character that felt like they could also have come from my life and my brain.”

1 month ago | 5


Where's part two, William?

1 month ago | 2


@Netflix bring back julie and the phantoms

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Will the be a season 3 of Surviving Summer?

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Can we please have a smiling critters movie (please 🥺

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Bring back AWAE and hurry with ST!!

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Jockey & key season 4 2024 you ganys

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Wille You Can Get Away

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Bring back all of us are dead

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That's a man

1 month ago | 10


@Netflix Make it so we can share threw out devices PlEASE i wanna watch but I don’t wanna pay 20 dollers a month

1 month ago | 0