Practical Networking

SSL Certificate Revocation is the system by which we invalidate a "no longer good" Certificate. And this week, I'm doing a free, live webinar to illustrate exactly what Certificate Revocation is, and how it works.

📅 Thursday April 4, 2024
⌚10a PDT / 1p EDT / 5pm UTC

In the session, we will cover:

- The need for Certificate Revocation
- CRLs - Certificate Revocation Lists
- OCSP - Online Certificate Status Protocol
- OCSP Stapling

Following the lecture, we'll do a live demo where we manually check the revocation status of a public website.

Expecting the session to run about 60 minutes.

Totally free. No registration required.


I'm testing new live training software, so unfortunately this session won't be live streamed to Youtube. (I'm also traveling, and don't have my live stream set up that I have at home).

More info:…

5 months ago | [YT] | 162